Our local YD chapter will be meeting tonight at
Rodano's Pizza
53 Public Sq
Wilkes-Barre, PA
starting at 7PM
At the meeting The Luzerne County Young Democrats will be electing officers, endorsing the Democratic slate of candidates, and launching the new Luzerne County Young Democrats website.
A new website, woo hoo.
According to their Facebook event page a few candidates will also be attending including 11th CD candidate Bill Vinsko, Common Pleas hopefulls Jennifer Rogers and Molly Hanlon Mirabito plus county council nominee Jane Waitkus. I think that all Luzerne Democratric county candidates and those running for municipal offices would do themselves a favor by showing up. These kids give you enthusiasm and boots on the ground.
Many moons ago I was an officer in the Young Dems of Luzerne County organized by Bob Caruso who had the ear of State Senator Marty Murray who gave us office space and some money. The group fizzled out and I went off to see the world courtesy of the US Air Force.
This incarnation is much stronger with my local Plains committeeman Tom Shibula at the helm. He replaced some guy in the last election that I never met although he lives a few doors away. The VP Tony Thomas is the son of a HS classmate who used to comment regularly on this site. Herself is another officer of the the LCYD who inspired this post.
19 minutes ago
Makes sense to me the the young Commiecrats are meeting at that pizza parlor.
Me and Thelma Jean took a rare trip to downtown Newark--I mean Wilkes-Barre--and she dragged me in there for some "lunch">
I'm for real American food like any other true patriot, but I wasn't in the mood for pizza. Anyway, we walk in and some young punk tells me that I have to take off my USA cap from my head or I can't come in. Apparantly, they don't want you under their roof unless you don't wear a hat. But I bet if a guy came in with a turban they'd let him keep that on!
So all you Democrats make sure to keep your chairman Mao hats in your house before leaving for the meeting.
I'd take my missus's Woodchuck pot roast over pizza anyday of the week.
All Pizza is is cardboard with ketchup and artificial cheese on top of it anyway.
Gimme some real downhome food and I'm a happy man.
To hell with the young democrats---to hell with you all!!!!!!!
Thanks Gort!
Mean Old Man, you're ridiculous. By the way, would you like some sushi? Perhaps some chicken vindaloo?
Your pot roast is European, specifically Irish and English, in origin. Hot dogs are German, and hamburgers cross multiple borders in their origin. Pizza started out as a French incarnation before the Italians perfected it and the good people of New York and Old Forge turned it into an art. Spaghetti is known as Italian cuisine, but the noodles themselves actually came from China and Eastern Asia.
Point is, there is no "real" American food. All of our food comes from other countries, as we are a nation of immigrants (unless you're a Native American, who have their own cuisine. Speaking of, would you tell the Native Americans that were here prior to European settlers colonizing the continent that THEIR food isn't "real American food"? Bet you would... it seems that if it sounds "foreign" to you that it must be un-American. I am a Young Democrat, and I don't know what your party is, but whatever it is, I would never want to be a part of it. Don't celebrate your own ignorance, it's nothing to be proud of. Finally, have you ever seen the "Battlestar Galactica" series? If so, you'll get this phrase: Mean old man, Go Frak Yourself. Have a great day!! :)
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