Republican Walter Michell has announced that he running for Prothonotary and reelection as Mayor of the breakaway Republic of Bear Creek Village at the same time. It's always good to hedge your bets. He is backed by Republican 2008 10th CD candidate and former President of Pride Mobility Dan Meuser.
He wants to improve the prothonotary’s office, especially by making records available online. “Think how much this would reduce daily traffic in and out of the office, save users thousands of dollars in copy fees and time, and allow county employees to focus on catching up on scanning, filing and other vital tasks.” ...He said an advisory committee would also be appointed, made up of those professionals who use the office’s services most – attorneys, title searchers, paralegals and court workers – to offer advice and feedback on how things could be run better.
Former Luzerne County Prothonotary Carolee Medico Olenginski is looking to return to the office. She claims that Juvie brother Judge Michael Conahan had it in for her when she ran for reelection in 2001 and decided to run now that he is out of the picture. That didn't stop her from running in 2005. She was favorite of Fred Williams on WILK and had some disputes with the commissioners over redecorating her office and buying some filing cabinets. I remember that when she showed up for work after she was elected that the courthouse powers that be assigned her parking spot that was giant a pothole.
The only Democrat to announce so far is Attorney Gerald J. Mullery. In a news release, Mullery said his pledge to Luzerne County voters is straightforward and simple: “I will return the values of honesty, ethics and impartiality to the office of Prothonotary and I will ensure the use of technology to provide greater public access to civil records.”
Some of the other interested candidates are reported to be Republican Gina " the cat lady" Nevenglosky and Nancy Bellas, Andrew D. Check and Mark Kijek.
No word from Ann Lokuta.
What the hell is a Prothonotary?
14 hours ago
Klaatu barada nicto
The county certainly lost a fine and able public servant with the resignation of Miss Moran. She was one tough little lady, for sure!! Of course, she was railroaded by the liberal panty wastes and the Obama justice department, but at least there is a ray of hope in young Mr. Mitchell. God Bless Mr. Meuser for informing all of us as to the character and strength of this man. By the way, Dan, I go to sleep every night cringing as to how you were robbed of your rightful place as Republican nominee for congress last year by the hack Hackett (who was secretly working with the commie Carney's campaign). Had you been the nominee, we would at least have a representative in Washington who was looking out for us, not Wall Street!! God Bless Jill Moran, Mr. Mitchell, Our great sainted Sen. Santorum (see you in '10, Rick) and Mr. Meuser. We will have to wait two more years to see men and women of knowledge and courage in charge again in DC. It will be worth it. TO Hell with Gort and his commie rag!!!!
I was at Walter's announcement on Saturday. I liked what I heard and think he will be a great person for the job.
Hope to see you Thursday night.
Walter Mitchell is not the right person for this job...seems they all come out of the woodwork at election time. I was at his meeting as well and see someone that is full of himself and not able to be a good Prothonotary. Lets elect Carolee to this post..we know what she is about..
Carloee is about what? Tryning to be as batshiat crazy as Pelosi?
please not carolee, i would rather the corruption!
Good to know Walter Mitchell is backed by Dan Meuser, especially considering how successful he was in his own primary. Who cares which rich guy is for which candidate. It's about time this county gets wise and does their own homework on the candidate they are for. Have your own voice, no matter who it is for!
I hope Dan does not run in two years. I am a conservative and will not vote for him. Chris beat him fair and square. Its funny that the big money chumps were backing him. Last time they back the dems. Granpa Kanj, Mr Flood. So Dan if you can hear this, don't run.
Tell me the last time a republican won a row office other than Carolee. Last I looked no one. Also, look at Urban winning every year. Go ahead and endore your canidates and see in Nov they won't get elected. If you can't see how two faced Terry Casey, Dan Meuser, Sarlano, Sordino, Flack ETC Band of Bros are. Go a look at the victory picture from Kanjo elections or their owns words " we will support the republican this time or only Dan Muser"
Mary Dyslewski, previous recorder of deeds, won on the Republican ticket. Mary was a great asset to the courthouse, that's why she's still around.
I think endorsements by almost anyone do little to help - but often hurt. This blog is a great microcosm of why that's true. People who hate Meuser go the other way - almost knee jerk.
Further, I also think voters aren't lemmings - they learn what they can and make a decision and I don't feel endorsements factor into the thinking. This is all very much "insider baseball"
Hey Mean Old Man - Just so you know, Dan Meuser was at Pat Solano's Perugino's court session. He Sordoni, Casey, the Moses', and Jimmy Haggerty were in the back room trading Republicans for Democrats
Meuser is entrenched in the scum of the Luzerne County GOP. But then again it is Luzerne County, home of the corrupt and connected!
Which one is the democrat and which one is therepublican. Maybe they need to check their voter id
Terry Casey invited Pat Solano and Dan Meuser to lunch to meet Palissery to discuss the controller race. Palissery invited Haggerty because they are long time friends. The lunch was at the Westmoreland Club and there were lots of lawyers there for a bar association meeting that day. No back room deals, genius. Solano and Sordoni were never for Haggerty, they were big Baker supporters.
Baker is not running here. Solano and Sordoni will support anyone that will support them,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Baker is not running here. Solano and Sordoni will support anyone that will support them,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
There was a meeting with all these people at Peruginos.
Don't expect any change in the next few elections. These guys get what they want first and the issues matter second. One of these heavy dudes once told me that lets see how well candidate 'A' polls first? Some grass roots campaign??
D or R, water and sewer seek their own level
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