This is a guest from my pal Kathy Dobash who is a regular poster at NewsTalkPA which is part of the ever growing GrassrootsPA internet empire.
I know it is common practice for TV interviews with local candidates and politicians. Sometimes these interviews are paid by the candidates as a commercial for their agenda and ideas about government.
These expenses are reported as part of the campaign.
The latest "interviews" on a local Hazleton TV show has Chairman Haggerty promoting Home Rule as a business run by a CEO. We all know that can be even more corrupt than the Wilkes-Barre School District. View the video at this link: http://www.ssptv.com/show.php?show_id=21
Special Guest Jim Haggerty (28 minutes)
Topics 1. Home Rule Charter 2. County Accountability
Does Jim Haggerty, Tom Marnell and David Sosar help pay for the air time with this show? Why? I was wondering how other citizens can be guests on this show. Is this a way for the Kingston Mayor to have the whole county pass a tax to cover the levee fee for the people of Kingston? Does the Southern Region of the county have enough population to cover other costs?
How can the Home Rule Study Commission use a TV show with the host( Rick Morelli, treasurer of the Home Rule Study Commission) to promote their new idea of government? Did the Home Rule Study Commission vote in secret to run these interviews? The citizens who disagree with important key issues about their written document do not have the money to speak out and be heard! Is this how we want to do business? Those with differences of opinion must have equal opportunity and time. All of these actions: Paying for ads to promote only the Commission's idea, waiting until someone leaves a room to address concerns, and run television programs where no one else can debate the topic give me concern to reconsider the motives of the Home Rule Study Commission members. They just want to win to save face.
The concerns about the authority of the transition team, the duties of a County Controller, Elected or Appointed County Executive and Districts are still important topics for many voters.
The study commission plans to approve a proposal on July 21.
The last meeting was about term limits. http://standardspeaker.com/news/home-rule-panel-discussses-term-limits-1.873783
Supreme power using Ad propaganda to promote a new form of government is questionable. Should Rick Morelli be involved in dedicating showtime without saying who is paying for it? Are they in violation of campaign expense laws? They fail to disclose the show sponsors. Someone is paying for the show airtime. Haggerty, an attorney and Morelli should know better. Haggerty is a good friend of Bob Powell.
He did nothing and said nothing about the Luzerne County corruption over a four year period. What is even more troubling? He has failed to change the judicial branch and the wrong doing in the DA's office in the Home Rule document.
He had no guts to talk to me when I was present in a room. Why did he wait until I left the area to address the audience about my public statements?
The use of the show "Inside Scoop" to promote the vote for the Luzerne County Home Rule Study Commission's new Charter is just plain wrong. Does it violate finance spending and reporting?
Is the television time donated on this TV show allowed. WHO is paying for the show?
I think having a political show is fine. I have a problem with the use to promote the work of the Home Rule Study Commission. If Rick Morelli was not treasurer of the Commission then all is well but it is a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Does it violate any laws?
It is politically driven and the stars on the show have political interest with possible gain for power and money. The promotion to SELL their charter is obvious.
Who is fronting the money for the political airtime about Luzerne County Home Rule? It will be on the ballot November 2ND. If Home Rule passes I pray many step up to run for the 11 Council positions to keep those who wrote the Charter honest. I recommend THUMBS DOWN on Luzerne County Home Rule Charter!
I absolutely agree - the structure of this home rule is a disaster.
I had such high hopes that a new, workable structure would help resolved some of the embedded corruption problems - but I guess we'll just have to rely on the Feds to clean up the mess.
Interesting to see that Vonderheid is named in the most recent Juvie law suit - the link between Vondy and Mericle is very strong and close - it's how he got his current "hush money" job.
I am really not interested in much this November except Home Rule, which I am voting against.
Why is she attacking Sosar, Does she know anything about him?
He is an expert on government, and a professor at King's. He is more than qualified to comment on charter and compare it to other forms
no one said, what Sosar is is a partisan Republican that contributes to Republicans and Republicans ONLY>>>>>. he is bias,
Google his name and see the contributions he has made and to whom!
Seems you are the one that KNOWS nothing about him.
Kathy -
You are an idiot
GeorgetheBackMountainFairy says:
Kathy - your hair is great!
Anon 944
I did some research and found one donation by Sosar in 2000 and i have no idea who that person is but its in the state database and was $75
I also looked open secrets and saw nothing, next time u say something like that u should have proof or link, instead of saying google it.
When u google Sosar u find out he is often sought by news papers to comemnt on local politics.
Sosar may be a Republican, but he is still an academic who is an expert on local government northeast pa and Hazleton.
u probably hat King's College and are an elitist asshole with rich parents and went to Scranton
Kathy - you are still an idiot
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