The people of the 10th and 11th Pennsylvania Congressional Districts traded in Democrats Chris Carney and Paul Kanjorski for Republicans Tom Marino and Lou Barletta in the last election so how are they doing representing your interest? Has unemployment been reduced or has the deficit been brought under control? Are there less illegal immigrants lurking in your neighborhood? Is your health care secure?
They both voted for the Paul Ryan budget that will phase out Medicare and want to continue giving oil companies tax payer subsidies despite the fact that they continue to rack up record profits. They have both voted for bills in the house that have no chance of passing the Senate about abortion and other things.
Vote in the poll on the side bar and sound off in the comments.
7 hours ago
Lou Barletta said he wants Pennsylvania to be the leader in natural gas production. Only if we say "To hell with our drinking water". He and Tom Corbett want to make PA the next Texas. If I wanted to live in Texas, I'd move there. I'd say I don't like the job he's doing so far, and I voted for him.
I find it funny that you lambast Mr. Barletta and Mr. Marino for wanting to cease the Ponzi scheme boondoggle known as Medicare.
Trillions of dollars are thrown into this monstrocity of a welfare program with very little in positive results. Health care, like most things is best left to the private sector. I applaud Mr. Ryan for his tenacity and his courage in the face of a liberal media who is out to crucify anyone who does not think as they.
STudents, we live in a democracy, not a socialist state.
Medicare is best resolved by being phased into a voucher program where seniors will mostly be responsible for themselves---the way the founders meant it to be.
We cannot be a strong nation if we act like a bunch of "gimme somethin' free" classroom slackers.
America needs to grow back its backbone.
Class dismissed!!!!
Milburn, you are a total asshole!
I find it astounding that a gentleman would take his name from a Benjamin Franklin scribe and not for one minute have any sort of dignified and constructive reply to my posting.
For the record, Ben Franklin lived well into his eighties and I am quite sure that he was not afforded the "luxury" of any form of national health care---nor would he accept it.
Clean and moral living is the key to a long life; not a slacker/welfare/section 8 lifestyle.
Class dismissed!!!!
it is time to scrap medicare, social security and all other entitlements. let those who work keep what they earn... if some can't make it, then they fall by the wayside....
So much for the Valley with a heart! Personally, I thought the reply to Milburn was very thoughtfull and filled with insight. Millburn, I agree, you are an asshole. Class Dismissed.
Opps, not you asshole, you need to stay and learn a thing or two.
Gort, since the title of this column is "How They Doing?", I have a question. hy hasn't Walter Griffith maintained his capaign promise of transparency? I as well as some others want to know where we stand on county audits? Are they up to date yet? In today's paper, it is reported that Walter lost his argument to include meals in the Hotel Occupancy Tax. Apparently Walter thinks that eating has something to do with occupancy. I wonder how the various hotel restaurancts would do if they added an extra 5% to each dinner served? Would local people consider those restaurancts when making plans to dine out? Walter is now becoming a danger to the local economy and I think he shold spend more time doing his job than looking for headlines.
Anon 6:58:
I have learned many things in my long lifetime. Amongst them, the value of true hard work; a dollars pay for a dollars work.
We have, in effect students, created a society of panhandlers whose only mission in life is to sit on a dirty porch and swill beer whilst their children run around in dirty throw away diapers.
Of course, these tykes in diapers will one day be on the government dole themselves if we do not take matters in hand.
I find it amusing that the slacker will retort my commentary with expletives, whilst a thoughtful and knowledgeable person would retort with reasonable statements.
Students, it is not appealing nor productive when you display crocodile tears when Mommy doesn't give you an extra helping of hamburger helper. It would be more sensible to take what you get and work on productive ways to occupy your time in order that you forget the evening's slop which laziness and uncle sam have fated you to eat.
Have I made my point youngsters???
Class dismissed!!!!
Professor, I have read all of these comments and I seldom take the time to throw my 2 cents in. This time you have me a bit upset. I am 71 years old and worked from childhood right up to the age of 67 when a serious illness caused me to retire. It offends me the way you lump all senior citizens into a group of do nothing wanting every thing for free. I worked for what I have and I paid into medicare from day one. I could not get private insurance with my health problems so Medicare is a God send. People such as your self find all the time in the world to chastise America for such programs but I have never heard a word from you about the oil company subsidies, the tax free multi billion dollar profits that also receive tax refunds through the "green" tax credit programs, no, you want the senior citizens to simply die and go away. How about you sharing a little of your bio? How old are you, what do or did you do for a living, what type of health care coverage do you have and who pays for it, have you ever received health insurance as a benefit? There are many things the working men and women in this country need and the attack of the former middle class is one of the things we don't need. The other is YOU! We really don't need people who have the ability to write in a cute format that is attention getting but mean in spirit. You really do need to have a talk with God and ask Him what His Son would do. Retired Hard Working Man
So Professor, how do you square the gutless moves by barletta and marino to ban taping of their town hall meetings? You fear a commie state? This is the first step. When elected officials ban ordinary citizens from recording their comments, Stalin is just around the corner.
Classless dismissed.
Clean, moral living is the key to a long life? Are you saying that I got cancer because I am not clean or moral? And, if I did not have insurance they should abandon me to the elements to die? Screw you and your backward thinking! We as a moral nation should not abandon our sick and poor. I seem to recall the Bible teaching that, or do you just pick out the parts you like best?
Anon 10:58...
First of all, I do extend my compassion and concern if you genuinely are afflicted with cancer. However, it is very important to stress that although it is not 100% guaranteed, clean/moral living will increase your odds of having a long productive life. Ask any senior citizen above the age of 85; most will tell you that they do not smoke or drink. Lifestyle, like it or not is everything.
In this society today, students, w our problem is NOT starvation as it is in other parts of the world, but OBESITY. Class, you eat fatty foods, your idea of exercise if thumping your leg while listening to your I Pod whilst smoking pot or cigarettes, you experiment with recreational drugs basically refusing to take care of yourselves in any way and then when you get sick YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR IT???!!!!
Do I make my point children?
Class Dismissed!!!!
Anon 10:51...
Regarding your question as to Mr. Barletta and Mr. Marino banning recording devices....this is predominantly a move to eject troublemakers from making, dare I say it, trouble.
These two gentlemen are holding town meetings to address important issues. We would assume, as to be fair students, that those who attend these town halls do so with an open mind. Not so. A lot of the youngsters who support the socialist policies of Mr. Obama deliberately attend these meetings to disrupt the flow of free speech and basically intending to embarrass these esteemed members of Congress.
I will remind you students, free speech is guaranteed n the Constitution, but it does not give you the right to yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater.
Have I made my point???
Class dismissed!!!!!
Yes, I did have cancer this last year and I am not obese, I do not smoke and I do exercise. There are plenty of people who get sick and it isn't because of lifestyle, it is from our environment, heredity, and shear bad luck. You can't lump the sick or needy into one convenient pile. Sometimes people lose their jobs and sometimes a greedy insurance company will drop a sick person. Not all young people smoke pot or the like. If you got sick and lost your job or worse yet if it happened to a friend or relative you would feel different. Medical bills add up quickly. From recent experience, just having tests done will bring in dozens of bills. Don't be so flip about others pain and suffering, someday it could be you. I never thought it would be me, then one day I found a little lump.
Professor, how many times was "fire" yelled at the town hall meetings held by Carney and Kanjorski? So it was fine for the teabaggers to try to disrupt their town halls, but when barletta and marino are facing difficult questions to "important issues" as you say, not so much as a camera is allowed. Professor, don't look now, but your double standard is hanging out. I imagine the academy is preparing to drum you out for lack of intellectual consistency.
Anon 1:22....
I do not believe that what you refer to as 'teabaggers' disrupted MR. Kanjorski's town hall meetings, as he never held any.
I always tell my students to at least try to prepare before entering a debate. Young man, you obviously have not done your research but this is not your are mainly the product of a generation raised on the 'easy way'. It is not too late as I urge you (along with my students) to put down the i pod and pick up a book and read---very carefully.
Anon: 12:22...
I am truly sorry for your health predicament. Whether you believe it or not, conservatives do have an ability to express compassion; even old fogies like me.
Class Dismissed!!!!
Incomplete answer professor. What about Carney's town halls in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010? They were full of repub operatives with cameras, yet he stood his ground and answered the questions for all to hear and record. Is this why you failed to get tenure, only addressing half of the lesson?
Professor, give us a break. Having a camera or audio recorder at a meeting is in no way disruptive. Look at the You Tube video of Barletta holding a town meeting and when faced with problems from constituents, rather than respond or answer their questions, he laughed and actually turned his back, sat on a table and began to read through papers. That's our Congressman being responsive. If after seeing that video, it is no wonder the two clowns don't want to take any further chances. Video is living proof of their lack of interest in the people they represent.
By the, I am still awaiting your response to the question of what it is you do for a living, what your age is, do you have health insurance and who pays for it and are you or will you be on Medicare? Put up or shut up, your phony intellectualism is more evident with each piece you author.
Re: Poor Richard...
For one thing young man, if you thought before you spoke your questions about my personal profession would have been answered. The answers are there, you just need to do some work at attaining them.
I find it amusing that so many of the young "gimme this, gimme that" generation has no interest in the persuit of happiness or knowledge, only in the attainment of them. YOu exemplify this.
I do not wish to compromise you young man, I ask that you not compromise yourself.
Again, please do some research before raising your only serve to embarrass the class and irritate the more enlightened including this old fogie.
Class dismissed!!!!!
Care to respond to PoorRichard's first point, Professor?
Hey Professor, it serves you well to rise up and cast your verbal lashing to avoid a simple answer. If you think I'm going to assume what you livelihood is, your dead wrong. It seems to me that you work way to hard to be as educated as you pretend to be. But, for the sake of us poor uneducated young folk, please, I beg you enlighten us with those silly facts. How old are you, do you have health benefits and if so who pays for them. Are you currently the beneficiary of Medicare and if not, do you plan to one day sign up for it?
After you answer the simple questions, you can then take a shot at the more difficult part 1 and explain what we are missing.
re: Poor Richard:
How many times in my career have I told a student to undertake a task only to have the task undone or improperly done??
I must say again young man that you will find the information you desire by doing some research. I assume when you were in school that you most likely had your older siblings or some friend do your homework for you. This, students, is unacceptable. If you begin life a slacker you will end it so...
I will tell you that I possess several degrees and a doctorate. I was fortunate to have been born into a family of means, but I believe had I not been I still would have attained the status I hold today....
As you know, I am a conservative and I believe that not only is health care a privelige, but education after grade 12 is also subject to proof of ability.
So many youngsters in college today would have been laughed at by academians forty or fifty years ago, before the government began subsidizing college tuition.
Again, young man and students....don't waste your life expecting others to do the heavy it yourselves!!!
Milburn, "How many times in my career have I told a student to undertake a task only to have the task undone". I guess I need you to explain how an assigned task becomes undone? Doesn't it first have to be done in order for it to become undone?
Tell us Milburn, why is it so difficult for you to simply say, yes, I do enjoy the liberal programs of Social Security and Medicare? What's your true hang up or shame in saying that? Surely your genius did not come to you all prior to age 15 and surely you have not lived your entire life off of the efforts of your family. You must have had some type of honest job that paid real wages which would have forced you to pay into those liberal programs called Social Security ad Medicare. Why can't you simply answer the questions? Did you ever have a real job, pay taxes and earn your keep? Did you receive public provided benefits or did your employer pay them for you? Or, are you a true conservative, do not accept your SS check or Medicare benefits or are your one of the fortunate souls who receive a life time benefit of health insurance paid for by the public? And please not forget your answer to question number one.
@Anonymous 7:03am,
Concerning Griffith, I think you missed the point of his argument. Hotels that include meals with their room rate (Like the free breakfast you get at Hampton Inn) reduce the room rate 7 percent (cost of the food)-then apply the tax.
Maybe next they'll try and deduct their cost for a customer to park for free, or the cost to supply a TV in the room. It's a slippery slope.
The hotels collect 6% PA sales tax with no deductions.
with the passing of rusty flack it seems that all the money and access to the best health care can't save the life of one who choses not to take care of their own health. so free health care for all will not change many outcomes for those who don't take responsibility for their own health.
7:04, I don't think anyone is suggesting "free" health care. Medicare is certainly not free. We pay all of our working lives into the program and then we pay a cost which is deducted from our SS check. Medicare on its own is not enough so then we purchase a private insurance company to supplement Medicare. That's not free. I would love to see Medicare offer two programs, the current original program and one that we would pay extra to have the Medicare cover all costs so paperwork would be held to a minimum and we the people would get a decent break on our monthly out of pocket health coverage expense. Just think how inexpensive it would be if Congress would force the Medicare program to utilize the same cost savings procedures that the VA uses. They in fact are not allowed to make a deal with the drug companies whose purchase of Congress keeps Medicare costs up. People love to scream about the cost of the program but ignore the reason for the cost. DUMB AMERICANS.
7:04, The room rate of a hotel is exactly that, the room rate. If a hotel/motel wants to throw in a donut or full breakfast, that's up to them. What I got out of Griffith's suggestion/complain is that he wants the hotel food charged the occupation tax and that's absurd. There is no way to put a value on that. One person may pass completely on the breakfast while the next might act like a complete pig at the trough. Parking, Continental breakfast, full breakfast, maid service, Internet service, etc are all part of the hotel service so it is all included in the room rate which is covered under the Hotel Occupancy Tax. This isn't complicated, it is just Walter being Walter, action without thought or research. It was mentioned on one of the blog's or perhaps a newspaper comment that the taxpayers are waiting for a full update report on the responsibilities of the Controller's office. Are the audits up to date, where do the audits stand? Are there findings? All we hear about is the headline grabbing efforts of Walter as he strives to feed his ego.
Interesting, despite agreeing with the Professor on many things I just seem to remember my days of college and I didn't like lectures much then either. However stimulating it is and was I just have the feeling that the professor of the course has read one book and sticks by that point of view and isn't open to others. I wish I could come up with a catchy slogan but I'm not a newscaster so I'll do what everyone does in the course of life, grab my books and run the hell out of class. I think my dorm might be on fire.
Re: Poor Richard, 6:22...
Students, there is nothing more damaging to the order and continuity of a classroom than the class clown. And, may I add, one who is not truly funny anyway.
Richard, your "undone" routine shows me that you are a fan of Jerry Seinfeld, and let's face facts, Mr. Seinfeld was not all too funny. I will grant the fact that he made millions of dollars off of one silly routine and for that he must be given his due; but funny?? I think not.
My point, young man is that you need to be more original when you strike out in the world.
Do something unique to you! I have always told my students that they need to look deep into themselves for an idea, bring it to the surface, and make it work.
Son, you need to find your ideas and your place and above all, PLEASE, PLEASE stop channeling has been comedians.
Class dismissed!!!!
Once again professor Milburn responds with no information pertaining to the question at hand.
I guess it must be made simpler to understsand. So let's try again.
Professor, do you now have Health Insurance coverage? Yes __ No __
If yes, who pays for it? Incert name here _______________
Do you now have coverage through Medicare Yes ___ No ___ and if not do you plan to enroll in Medicare, Yes ___ No ___
ask one of your students for a little hlep and I'm sure you can get through these really tough questions.
RE: Poor Richard...
I must confess that your naivete astounds me. I have had students throughout my career who have been in over their heads, to put it politely, but you son, take the prize.
How many times must I give you these instructions, young man???
Wake up early tomorrow morning (the world does exist before 2:00 in the afternoon) have a strong cup of coffee and get to your research.
The answers are there for you if you will just forego the laziness and persue them.
WWII gave us the greatest generation, but students---and I have tried to be fair here, I can only surmise that yours is the slacker generation.
God Help Us.
Class Dismissed!!!!!!
God did help us, he prevented you from having any type of leadership roll in our great nation. That tree of cowardice you hide behind is growing thinner and thinner. I think your no-class answers to the simple question put forth can only be answered by you. All the research in the world won't answer these personal questions you so clumsily stumble over with each non-response you offer. Your position at the Humpty Dumpty College is growing weaker by the response. It won't be long before they will bee forced to put a warning label on your class room door, "Enter at Your Own Risk, Brain Cell Damage Possible."
You never won a spelling bee in grade school, I surmise.
Class Dismissed!!!!
Poor Richard and the Professor need to grow up. Tit for tat is no way to solve a disagreement.
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