Sunday, October 13, 2013

Luzerne County Controller

Nice profiles in the TL.

Bednar says she empathizes with taxpayers


 Medico Olenginski says she’ll stand up to powerful


Walter Griffith would probably would have won  reelection easily as I think he was most popular politician in the county. But in his quest to expose corruption he put his heart ahead of his head and had to resign because he recorded some conversations without asking for permission from the people being recorded. Don't mess with Judd Shoval. I was disappointed with Walter when I asked him at the Spring Blogfest  if he had recorded the conversations and he told me NO. Then he plead guilty to the charge. Walter Mitchell was a good choice as the interim Controller.

Now the choice in upcoming election is between Michelle Bednar and Carollee Medico

 Michelle Bednar is the tax collector for Cunningham Twp and Carollee is/was the Probationary of Luzerne County. 

 To put it mildly Carolee doesn't play well with others. See my archive.

  Carolee told me she is not planning any events before the election but Michelle is campaigning hard.  

She has a Meet and Greet at

The Red Mill
340 S. Main St., Pittston, PA
Sunday, October 20th, 2013
2 p.m to 5 p.m.
with Master of Ceremonies,
State Representative
Mike Carroll


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Carolee for Controller. We need someone that understands our government and Michelle Bednar is a nice person but doesnt know how the COunty Government is used against the Taxpayers. Carolee will stand firm for the people and wont be intimidated by the Players of COunty COuncil or County Manager. The function of Independent Watchdog is first and foremost before audits and Carolee knows this because she has lived the corruption in our county,

Walter Griffith Jr