Matt Cartwright announced Tuesday that he take on Tim Holden for the Democratic nomination for the the newfangled 17th CD.
His announcement speech was music to a lot of Democrats ears (via DWT) saying "But when a handful of representatives from the Democratic Party turn their backs on the middle class, and start voting like Wall Street Republicans, something is really wrong. Something even more fundamental is broken.What’s broken is their promise to protect the middle class instead of the profits of big banks…or the oil & gas companies… or Wall Street. What’s broken is their promise to vote for bills that benefit the middle class and not loopholes that benefit special interests. What’s broken is their pledge to make decisions based on what’s best for the average family and not what’s best for the lobbyists contributing to their campaign funds...As a Congressman I won’t need campaign donations from special interest groups to know what the right thing to do is. I will already know what the right thing to do is....As a Congressman I will not apologize for being a Democrat. As a Congressman I will not forget that the Democratic Party is the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt....Let’s elect a Democratic congressman who votes like a Democrat. Let’s elect a Democratic Congressman from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party."
Contrast that statement with the press release Tim Holden sent out last March.
Rep. Holden was ranked the 187th most conservative member in all of Congress, fourth most conservative remaining Democrat after the 2010 midterm elections.
More from Howie: 2010 was a conservative year and Holden won. Since then, he has voted (on crucial roll calls) with the Democrats 31.96% of the time. That's right-- Holden has backed the right-wing agenda espoused by Cantor and Boehner 68% of the time.
I was wondering if any Republican would get into the race, none so far , then we get this from PoliticsPA
Luzerne County Councilman Stephen Urban, who made headlines last year when he switched from Republican to Democrat, is circulating nominating petitions for U.S. Congress. He would face incumbent Rep. Tim Holden and Democratic primary challenger Matt Cartwright, an attorney from Scranton....If Urban enters the race, it would be a big boon to Holden. He would likely split the Lackawanna-Luzerne bloc that is key to Cartwright’s campaign.
I don't know how much of an impact Urban would have on the the race as his fundraising for his past campaigns for Congress, State Senator, Lt. Governor, etc. (as a Repuplican) has always been anemic. He rode his name recognition to a seat on the new Luzerne County Council then left a poison pill budget as outgoing Commissioner under the old system that the new bunch can't reconcile because it just doesn't add up. I have always liked Steve but lately he has been acting like a jerk. Not taking the oath of office with the rest of our new councilors and abstaining on the vote for the Manager because he applied for the position. Now this.
If Urban Does run he will have to resign from the county council. So maybe this is a good thing.
Lately Steve's been acting like a jerk? It's been longer than lately. Anyway, if he runs and has to resign, that's good for everyone.
I'm an attorney in Northampton County, and I'm considering running for the seat as a Republican.
Tell me more Jeff. You can email me at gort42@yahoo.com
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