Williamsport Pennsylvania- Congressman Tom Marino issued the following statement-
“Rick Santorum is a long time friend of my mine. He has been a tireless advocate for common-sense conservative values his entire career. He is one of the hardest working candidates that I have ever met; his showing in last week’s Iowa Caucus is evidence of that. I want to congratulate him on his strong showing.
We have a great slate of Republican presidential candidates this year, and I will enthusiastically work for our nominee. I will also work hard to ensure that the Republicans retain control of the House and win back the Senate.
I share Rick Santorum's vision of lower taxes, less spending, private sector job creation, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. I believe that Rick Santorum offers our best hope of recapturing the White House and returning this nation to its prior position of strength and greatness. I am proud to support his campaign for the presidency.”

This will not put Santorum over the top in New Hampshire but it doesn't hurt. Marino (R-PA10) is only the 2nd PA Congressman to endorse Rick joining Glenn Thompson (R-PA5). Our own Lou Barletta (R-PA11) has not endorsed Santorum or anyone else which is probably the smart move. Why get mixed up in somebody else's fight when you are in one of your own?
Marino maybe is buying into the sweater vest craze that Rick has inspired. I checked my wardrobe and I too own a sweater vest and yes it is brown.

I can see the new PAC now: Mob Lawyers for Family Values.
Marino is the best example of why we need term limits. For him especially it should be one term and done. What an embarrassment to the 10th congressional district.
your comment, Barletta (R-PA11) has not endorsed Santorum or anyone else which is probably the smart move.
Read todays TL<
Told you , Barletta ISNT smart..
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