Monday, April 10, 2006


I heard 2 radio ads today that caught my attention while I was wandering around.

The first was sponsored by Young Conservatives Of Pennsylvania (YCOP) Political Action's state PAC . Pat Toomey did a spot telling us what a great guy Ricky Santorum is and ended by asking people to call him and say so. I didn't give our Junior Senator a call and doubt if anyone else did. I guess you can make a political statement in an election year and as long as you don't say vote for this guy so" it will not be counted against his campaign.

The second spot I heard was more intriguing. Bob's brother Pat Casey ( 2 time loser to Don Sherwood) was on one of those annoying lawyer ads. We will protect your rights if something goes wrong in your life, etc., etc. Is this a back dooor way of putting out Casey's name? Like he needs more help.

1 comment:

Doctor Rick said...

Great Ad though