Police ax signs near roadway
Workers for local political campaigns were dismayed to find dozens of campaign signs along the Cross-Valley Expressway missing Thursday afternoon. State police removed 63 campaign signs they say were illegally placed along the expressway, although campaign workers said they were never contacted by police.....The signs violated a state law that says no signs can be posted along a state highway without written consent from the state Department of Transportation, police said, and violators could face summary citations for each offending sign. Campaigns found to be at fault could also be forced to pay fines ranging from $4 to $20 per sign.
The campaigns may have a free speech argument over this. Maybe Dr. Rick can contact his buddies in the ACLU to help them out.
18 hours ago
Illegal as in they are too far ahead of election date.
Haha, I have no friends at ACLU
I'm sorry I missed that part of the 1st Amendment. My copy of the constitution says "Congress shall make no law ...abridging the freedom of speech." I guess doctor rick's copy says "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, unless its too far away from election day."
The law states 30 days before an election. Some candidates want us to trust them but if they break the small laws, why would I think they would uphold bigger laws.
Hey, anonymous.
I'm sure you don't speed and you put your seatbelt on every single time. And you never left a dollar unreported on your tax return, either. Don't be a dolt with this "small law" b.s. Integrity is about much more important stuff than where the yard signs go.
How about the law that stated that you don't put them out until April 16th, is that a small law. I actually don't speed by the way and even old people give me the finger. Obviously the person below lacks the other I word...Intelligence. I don't care where the signs go, hell put one in my yard but do it when your supposed to do it. It only takes one small lie to create a bigger one.
I do not, I just think that somne candidates should be able to place them wherever they want. Maybe I shouldn't have said that integrity is about more important things than where signs go but please don't call me unintelligent. I actually have a degree from Penn State and once I find a job I'm going to move out of my mom's house.
King Jim what happened to the "welcome to Kingston" signs that used to be on the on and off ramps of 309 in Kingston. Now they read Haggerty for senate - talk about putting yourself before the city you serve
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