I didn't get a press release and I can't find a website for this guy but he is in the 10th CD Pennsylvania Congresssional race for the Republican nomination to oppose Democratic freshman Chris Carney. From the CV:
A Tunkhannock optometrist who has called the rural counties of Northeastern Pennsylvania home for the last 54 years now wants to represent them in Washington.
Some choice quotes:
I’ve spent more than 30 years talking and meeting and dealing with people in all walks of life,” Haire said. “I understand what’s important to farmers, loggers, quarry men, factory workers and businessmen and women. I truly can be their best advocate in Washington.”
“We just need to get more jobs back here in our district,” Haire said. “We need to keep our talent home and not export our kids.”
"I want to restore to the people of our district that it’s not all about money,” he said. “It’s really a government for the people, by the people.”
5 hours ago
nice guy- I like him and could possibly vote for him.
We need more information about this guy. What I read in the paper didn't sound too bad, although it seemed he might be a part of the Lou Barletta faction.
He seems to be the anti-meuser candidate. Down to earth, lives in the district his whole life, running for good (not self serving) reasons. But certainly need more detail on his specific positions.
a web site would be helpful.
"I want to be in congress because there are no optometrists in congress"????????
Ya, that's a reason to run. There's no Burger King employees either. They're more in touch with the people in the 10th.
What a jack***
Why don't you and Sweeney campaign together. Neither one of you know why you're running.
The Times Leader had, I think, a very good editorial on this which basically concluded a full and diverse field is good for democracy. I agree with this - anon 11:33 - give him a break and see what he stands for. Why don't you want competition - it doesn't cost you anything and gives you an option - sounds like a good economic prospect to me.
Anon 8:36 Agreed
Hey, the guy announced, and didn't take an overt shot at Meuser, a few veiled ones maybe, but nothing overt.
So I say good luck to him, and yes I agree that a diverse field, and a spirted debate will make foir a stronger nominee come crunch time.
Welcome Dr. Haire.
His website is:
there we go agian anons attaching a candidate. HAckett/Maderia camp out again- What are you afriad of. At least I know where KAR is at.
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