Lou Barletta is a radical conservative who is currently running for Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District. His Democratic opponent is Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D). Barletta, currently serving as mayor of Hazelton, PA, is running a campaign based on fear-mongering and deception. This website is dedicated to standing up to him and his campaign for Congress.
Quite honestly, this man scares me. He is a xenophobic, fear mongering idiot of the highest order, in my opinion.
6 hours ago
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they all stink.
Barletta is a rising star in the GOP and this loser is apparently in fear.
I don't get why anyone would not support Lou Barletta. I have heard that at his speech to local republicans he will announce that illegal immigrants are now determined to be the much searched for, but never found, cause of the common cold.
Actually I found the site to be quite comical.
I don't like Barletta, but I have my own reasons, and they don't have to do with Immigration.
So what's the over/under on this website disappearing in a few months?
What's wrong with Barletta?? Is it because he has the stones to say what we all think?? Because he's not afraid to play it safe???
Come on. Oh, Please explain how Kanjorski is a better choice again.
my problems with barletta is that he has been announced since feb. and still doesn't have a single fucking isssue on his web site. what kind of jerk announces puts up a site and doesn't have an issues page????
it shows he is one issue and one issue only...
Two things:
1)Lou is a good person. If you knew what he went through and is going thru in Hazleton you would have a different opinion. Try living in Hazleton for awhile.
2)Kanjo is bad news. 8-10 mill in earmarks to a company owned by his relatives. Talk about corruption. What an imbecile. DOes anyone care about that whole deal?? It ain't right. It smells REALLY bad. He needs to go...
don't like Kanjo at all, but wtf.
lou may be a good person, but I would like a person who has the fucking sense to put issues on his goddam web site..... politics 101 where the fuck do you stand on issues...
and there is rumored to be a lot in lou's closet, i do live in hazleton...
I find it interesting that you would talk about Lou Barletta's website yet the issue information on Kanjorski's website is from 2002and was never changed during the subsequent two races he was in.
Even his current front page has this information "Thank you for re-electing me to serve the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania for another term in Congress.....Please continue to let me know how I can better serve you in Congress. As your representative, I need to hear your views as I cast votes on your behalf in the 109th Congress." What is the current session of
Congress?? (Remember this is not the issue page.)
This is from the issues pages- the minimum wage-"The minimum wage has been stuck at $5.15 an hour since 1997. To fix this problem, Congressman Kanjorski strongly supports and helped to introduce the Fair Minimum Wage Act. This bill will increase the minimum wage to $6.65 an hour by the start of 2003." Uhhh Paul it is 2008. The U.S. and Pennsylvania did raise the minimum wage...Ohhh I forgot your constituency is not as important as your family. Why would you update them on an issue you think is important to them? Guess you were too busy answering the questions about the missing pump.
www.kanjorski.org...otherwise known by the DCCC as www.slamjorski.org since all they know how to do is attack and smear. They want you to look where they say to avoid the real problems Kanjorski will have to face in this election. Wonder how he is doing with the savings and loan crisis? Since he sits on the energy subcommittee that gives money to the solar industry I wonder how the Department of Energy grant happened to his nephew?
It isn't the Denaples story...it is the Danephews saga....
i am not gonna vote for kanjo so i don't give a fuck about his site. i still haven't decided if i will vote for barletta or not vote for either, maybe if he had fuckiing clue about where he stood on issues they would be on his site. maybe some jackoff on his campaign would put up some fucking issues i could make a decision. at this point i am resined that he is the dope everyone who knows him says he is.
Okay, lets start a dialogue, you and me. You know how Barletta feels about people who enter or stay in the country illegally which is totally different than the entire issue of immigration regardless of the pundits out there. If you address the people who enter or stay in the country illegally you can address the extra costs of education, healthcare, social security and medicare, incarceration, city services like police and fire protection, sanitation, country security. On the issue of jobs illegals tend to work for less that lowers the total wages paid to all. Those who support illegals being here are in a catch 22. They want hire wages for the American worker but they support the illegal who works for less.
Name one issue, if taken care of, that would solve that many problems and costs to the taxpayer.
He is sympathetic to the farmer who needs temporary workers and, due to his national attention, would be able to secure legislation to help farmers meet their needs. To date, all three presidential candidates and Kanjo have failed to address and solve that problem for farmers.
He has publically stated he is in favor of affordable healthcare for all. Universal healthcare does not mean it will be affordable for anyone.
Contrary to what the Kanjorski camp has stated time and again Barletta took a pledge in 2002 and still maintains that pledge that he would never favor privatization of Social Security. When Kanjo states that it cracks me up. If he doesn't want people to have private accounts then is everyone to give up their 401(k)s and IRAs.
If you hear Lou speak he states for the life of him he can't understand why people will get in his face over illegals in the country but fail to recognize that one in three homeless in the country are veterans. He wants to know why Congress has turned its back on those veterans.
Hope that answers some of the questions. As you know Barletta does not have the campaign money that Kanjorski has becuase Kanjo received alot of his money from the subprime lenders who caused the current crisis. It is probably necessary for him to conserve his cash for the general election. I am more than sure you answers will come on the issues.
no offense, we are both annon, so neither of us have any crediblity.
i would like to see his issues on his web site. is that really too much to fucking ask from someone who is running for office and has been an announced candidate for over 2 months. if he is this incompetent for something so basic how the fuck can we expect him to be our rep in d.c..
it doesn't cost anything extra to type on the goddam web site! lack of money is no excuse for not putting your positions on your web site. if he can't hire someone take an hour or two and type them him self.
as stated i don't care about the differences between him and kanjo, i care about what barletta is going to do and right now he is unimpressive. how fucking hard is it to set up an issues page?????????????????????????????????????????????
it either means he doesn't know what the fuck he is doing or worse yet no one has told him where he should stand on an issue.
he needs to convince voters why they should vote for him and the cheapest,easiest way is the web.
he has a site and he doesn't know how to utilzie it. will he not know how to utilize other tools if he is elected??
Kanjo is no angel here...
But Lou has chosen to take up a national issue locally without really looking at who is to blame, including his own party (that had the Congress and White House all to themselves for 6 years and failed to do anything). Was it the city's job to handle illegals? probably not. I understand there are issues with illegals that add costs to city services. One complaint is that the city is having to foot the bill for the problems generated. What is his solution? More ffederal funding for the city? More Federal spending on the border? Hire more border guards?
This is what I'd like to know.
I hear from the right that no new gun laws are needed...we just need to better enforce those already on the books. Guess what? That will cost money, so if your side is willing to spend a little, it can happen...with Lou's big issue too.
To me though it seems like a bunch of hand wringing.
Dan Butt Cheecks is a joke.
Mayor Lou 2008 !
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