I've seen 2 new spots from Congressman Paul Kanjorski this week. He's been reminding us of his solid Democratic voting record touting his backing of veterans , affordable medicine for seniors and raising the minimum wage.
In the latest ad he takes credit for the $200 million of federal funds spent to raise the levees in the Wyoming Valley that have adverted a repeat of the 1972 Agnes flood. For all the carping about the inflatable dam, which I agree was a bad idea, he has also secured tens of millions to fix the local sewer systems that contribute to the pollution of the Susquehanna River.
Kanjorski Delivers
All the out of town prognosticators are calling this a close race but I'm not convinced. Lou Barletta is riding a wave of good publicity but what can he do for the area as a Freshman backbencher of the minority party? I know the scapegoating of immigrants hits a nerve with many people but most will realize that sending a guy to Congress who has almost no chance to accomplish anything on that issue or bring home the bacon is not a good idea.
8 hours ago
the republicans elected a dunce to the white house in 2000 locally we do not need to make the same mistake. keep kanjo...
Kanjo voted against Medicare Part D. How can he keep telling seniors he helped them get affordable medicine? The vote is the vote and he is registered with a NO vote on Medicare Part D.
As far as what he brought to this area he brought $2.8 million last year. Chris Carney brought $8.8 million. 24 year veteran vs. a 2 year rookie.
$10 milliion for his nephews...oh wait...another $3 million more for Russell at AVA Solar.... not to mention how much Peter still earns as a "consultant" and part of his PAC..did you look at the expenditures at Great Wolf Lodge and Washington hotels...I did.... name one dime Barletta brought home through legislation for his family.
Are you really telling people that not one Republican in Congress was able to bring any money to his home state?? According http://thehill.com/business--lobby/house-republicans-stand-to-benefit-from-earmark-bans-2008-07-15.html to the Hill.com Republicans averaged $10.5million in earmarks ...uhh what was Kanjo's last year $2.8million.
Ohh.. I forgot..the Dems want the biggest tax increase next year to the tune of $635 billion....so they can spend it the best way they see fit..On top of $4.00 per gallon gas and heating oil...Did we forget about the reassessment in Luzerne County costing people more taxes...uhh not a Republican in this event...the Dems are at the forefront...
Keep it straight..fair and balanced...like Sergeant Friday said "Stick to the Facts"..
So what did I read.. 12 Dems involved in Bonusgate...
If you don't like lawyers..Bush isn't a lawyer...Cheney isn't a lawyer...Colin Powell isn't a lawyer Newt Gingrich a hisotry professor, Boehner a plastic manufacturer,...Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Obama, his wife, John Edwards, the Majority Leader in each House a lawyer...
Lets keep is straight...Whats wrong with America is Washington...if you want think the Dems are going to help this area...I have a better one for you...
Everyting in Harrisburg goes to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh..how do they want to solve the bridge and road maintenance problem...By tolling I-80 in northeastern Pennsylvania...Ridge is a Democrat..not a Republican...
He wants Northeastern Pennsylvania to send its money to Harrisburg because we never have a voice and cannot stop it through votes....
Pelosi has had control of the House for 2 years...what was the price of gas when she took over $2.32...what is it now $3.89..so how is that program working out for the Dems???
Freudian slip Rendell is a Democrat...I saw a picture of McCain with Ridge...
Lets discuss your comment on sending a guy to Congress who has almost no chance to accomplish anything on that issue...
Lets talk about the plight of the farmer... Farmers need migrant workers... The law that was defeated would have required farmers to hire those workers for 3 months.. No one bothered to ask the farmers what they needed. They only need about 6 weeks to harvest the crops not 3 months... Barletta can help them with that issue because he heard their message...
Most Congressman in Washington have no plan.. If he goes to Washington with a plan it will be heard. If I buy into your argument then anytime the Republicans have control we should forsake Democrats in those elections.. I totally disagree.. We should elect the right people..not the party people....
If you are not convinced why don't you arrange to tag along and see the groundswell support. I believe you to be a good person...Take the challenge...lets see where the chips fall.....
Medicare Part D was a giveaway to big pharma making drug price negotiations illegal. The sponsor of the bill left congress to go lobby for big pharma.
Most my my friends that work with seniors said for PA residents you were better off on PACE.
By the way, suboenas were issued to Republicans in the ongoing issue of Bonusgate.
Is this true of Barletta:
That video is false. This girl has her facts all mixed up. DBI stands for DeAngelo Brothers Incorporated. Lou Barletta did not sell their company to themselves. DBI was started by the brothers in 1978. Barletta's wife could never have been a Member of the board of DBI since she was never involved in that company
..So much for top notch reporting. The camera man should stick to serving drinks in Scranton... as far as she is concerned she can't get it straight reading from a paper. She claimed she was a student from Columbia University when she introduced herself.
I believe Ed Mitchell has sent these people to try to unnerve Lou. Ed, in case you are reading it isn't working. Kanjorski is kinda funny. Ed is trying to tie Lou to Bush yet Carney admits he crosses party lines when he votes in Washington. I guess that means that Kanjorski feels Carney is tied to Bush.. Lou was never in Congress but Kanjo and Carney were. How does Paul Kanjorski expalin his vote about the appropriation bills where Bush asked for money for the military? How did he vote? YES! so I guess Kanjorski must be tied to Bush...I wish Ed would get real with the issues in this election.
Paul Kanjorski says he is real concerned about energy yet he drives a SUV. AVA Solar and Russell Kanjorski received $3 million for the solar startup. How about thw other companies involved in solar who are struggling? Why isn't Kanjorski trying to help them?..Ohh I got it..I don't apologize to anyone...Are you telling me I can't help my family? Congress has its own rules. All Paul's own words.
Once again, not to beat a dead horse, but there were a multitude of issues raised in this thread. Can any of you Lou backers tell me where he stands on ANY OF THEM?
pj the wb lefty...
Check out youtube.com He has videos on the credit crisis, economy, immigration, energy independence, healthcare... Go top his website loubarletta.com
you will see his positions on
2nd Amendment
Credit Crisis
Foreign Policy
Gas Prices and Energy
Health Care
I-80 Tolling
Illegal Immigration
Iraq and Afghanistan
Minimum Wage
Pocono Commuters
Right to Life
Social Security
That should satisfy your curiosity, however, if you like I can arrange for a personal conversation, one on one, to get your answers....but please don't feign that he has not taken a position. I will give you one point. The only thing Barletta hasn't taken was money for his family from the taxpayers through earmarks. But then again Paul says its free money.
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