But nobody seems to pay attention. No wonder why Tim gave up.
Two commissioners urge probe into whether bidding laws were violated
Prison violated state law in grocery purchases, according to records
Adding to a long list and nothing will change. I don't know why I even post it anymore.
5 hours ago
nothing short of criminal charges will change anything.
skrep must be investigated. i wonder why the employee from penn state, ya know the one, the guy who used his employer's debt card for personal use got arrested, why not the county employees.
it is time to face one simple fact. nothing will ever change here.
“It’s almost as if I’m public enemy No. 1 anymore,” Skrepenak said.
well at least skep is starting to realize his new position in the county.
There has been talk of changing the form of government that we have in Luzerne County. The actions of an activist may have started a movement that the people of this county need desperately. The county government lacks the ability to respect the people of this county let alone represent them. Scandal after scandal, with the arrogance of invincibility and a feeling that they are above the law may bring about the change we all need.
The current form of government gives the authority to three people with very little checks and balances. The type of authority that is given to these seats breeds corruption, arrogance, and elitism. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” As Lord Acton would say. We must understand that when the founding fathers of this country where framing the constitution they had several key principles that they used as a guide. The ones we need to consider are the consent of the governed, Limiting Majority control, Minority rights, separation of powers, and checks and balances.
Consent of the governed is the idea that the government derives it authority from the people. The people rule. The people need to be represented. The current government in Luzerne County gives no semblance of a representative government that derives it authority from the people. This current group feels the need to hide facts from the people and manipulate what we hear about. The budget deficit that was announced days after the election, the juvenile detention center fiasco were they not only withheld information from the public but from the minority commissioner as well, are examples of the way this government operates. These are not the actions of a government that derives its authority from and for the people.
Limited majority control and minority rights are tied to one another as well as with separation of powers and checks and balances. The majority should set the agenda but not be the only voice. The minority should not only be heard but have some input into the policy. We now have a system that the 2 majority commissioners set the agenda, run the agenda, and give no head to the minority commissioners’ opinion. There is no system in place to protect the rights of the minority. There is no system in place to limited majority control. There are no checks and balances.
The home rule charter that was proposed on a referendum in 2003 is being circulated again and offered as a possible solution to our non representative form of government. This charter would establish an elected executive branch (similar to the president called the county executive) and an elected legislative branch (similar to congress called the county counsel). The charter also provides for a fiscal “watchdog” in the form of an elected controller. The county executive and controller would be elected at large in the county. The county counsel would consist of 9 members, 6 elected by district and 3 elected at large in the county. The executive branch could not pass a policy without a majority of the counsel agreeing and the county executive would have veto power over the counsel. This would solve our problems of limited majority rule, minority rights, separation of powers, and checks and balances.
It is apparent that we have a problem with our government. It is apparent that we need to do something to change it. I urge all those whose tax dollars are at risk, all those that care about the quality of life in the county, and all those that take pride in having a government that represents you and your beliefs to get a copy of the charter and read it. If it is something that appeals to you then join the cause. I also encourage those that have started this movement forward to continue, get the website active, start fundraising, start educating the public, start the petition, no action will yield no results. We need someone to lead this effort.
Marc Publius
We don't need any changes as the system works as it is supposed to. The people speak every 4 years and this is what they want. Our county voters have degenerated and made the community coarse. The majority electorate no longer recognizes right from wrong and votes on a platform of 'what's in it for me'. These are the same people who have gone gah gah over the coming of Hillary and Obama during the past week. They have succumbed to nothing but unsubstantiated hype and platitudes. Society is sick. The only thing that will straighten out the current problems are criminal investigations and prosecutions.
criminal investigations and prosecutions will get rid of the current corruption, unfortuantely in luz county a new batch of cronies will come in as long as the voters don't pay attention to the person running and only vote the party.
honestly if you are a young person and wnt a real future leave the area. luz county has been so damaged by skrep regin of error that there is no hope here. even if new people get in it will take years to sort through the ineptiness of skre.
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