Easter weekend edition.
The TL is reporting that an employee of the Luzerne County Treasurer's will be arrested for stealing money. Two employees of the Recorder of Deeds were previously caught with a hand in cookie jar and one of them was given a draconian sentence of house arrest while the other is awaiting sentencing. This in addition to the no bid arrangements at the prison that have been in the news. Laws are alleged to have broken in those sweetheart deals but I doubt if any one person will be fingered as the culprit.
The Courthouse should be our Temple but You have made it into a den of thieves
5 hours ago
Luzerne County now has a scandal every week. Another will soon surface as Greg allegedly had access to a free condo in Delaware.
Why is this happening? Because the residents like it this way by evidence that there is only one elected Republican official in the county , and he was elected by default.
Jesus knocking over the postcard racks always made me laugh.
I agree with what you say. But face it the Republican party in Luzerene county has to start getting their act together. How many times do you see in a primary only one republican running for a row office seat and get the nomincation by default. The county party has to do a better job in convincing candidates to run. When I lived in Luzerne county I switched from being a registered Independant to a Democrat. Nationaly I tended to vote Democrat, state wide I tended to vote mixed and county wide I tended to vote Republican. I switched from an independant to a Democrat because there was no choice to make alot of times in the primary season on the Republican side. The only two Democrats I can remember voting for in Luzerne county were Doc Hudock and Steve Flood. But the Republicans must start putting up more than one candidate for a row office seat and more than average number they have been for a commissioner seat. So sometimes you cant just say vote Republican in Luzerene county. It would be more accurate to say vote anti incumbent, and vote against any incumbent backed by the county Democratic party and hopefuly in the future their will be a bigger choice of Republican candidates to choose from. Also I would encourage the residents of Luzerne county to reconsider home rule if it ever does come up for a vote again. We see what happend when Vondy and Skrep said don't go crazy and scrap the system, we'll make it work again. And you see what you got after that. Sometimes its not better to deal with the devil you know instead of the devil you don't know.
Love the Jesus Christ Superstar clip. Reminds me of my wedding when you, me and my mother in law were singing songs from the play.
That was a great time R-Man. You two should get married more often.
Trouble is the wealthy who's who R's don't give a rats ass about all the corruption, liberalism and incompetence. The down towners like Genetti pay for protection and the business, construction and real estate heavy hitters play up to who's most electable. Check out big R names like Sordoni, Mericle, Flack, Sims, Pollock, Finlay, Meuser and the list goes on... You know, the what's in it for me crowd. The same bunch that gave us Lisa Baker for the next 30 years. This is why there is no Republican party outside of this bunch that controls everything.
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