On his website Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta said "I am very troubled by his decision to decline my offer."
I bet he is. Now he will have to find another way to get on TV.
2 days ago
A random journal about local politics, baseball and whatever comes to mind.
What would you expect? McCain is not only an asshole, but could care less about the illegal immigration issue.
thank God an insightful man who actually knows what it is to do battle has basically told the grandstanding mayor to shove it….
we need more republicans who understand the constitution, i am not even sure lou barletta can read it let alone understand it…
what a sorry turn of events that he is the republican candidate in the 11th.
anon 3:37
I must be very tired. Where in the constitution does it refer to illegal immigrants?
Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
Hola friends...
I would still like to know who Lou will back this fall given the fact that his party's candidate has blown him off. Lou and the GOP had 6 years to fix his issue and nothing was done, so I don't know where he goes from here.
Ciao for now....
(that's a little shoutout for KAR by the way...)
I live in the 10th and don't have a dog in the Kanjo vs. Senor Lou fight.
I like and admire Lou for his guts in focusing attention on the serious and long standing problem of illegal immigration, and also his endorsement of Dan Meuser.
You and your ilk would have us do nothing while our country, our culture, and our values are being overrun by illegals.
If left to you and the rest of your lefty pals we would be compelled to learn spanish just to survive in our own country.
Not on my watch pal, not on my watch.
Ciao for now
Thank God for Lou Barletta and Lou Dobbs protecting us from those evil Mexicans. Thank God For the Lou Lous. I can't beleive that this B.S. issue is still burning as hot as it is. The leftys are guilty for keeping it going because they can scream that the conservatives are mean and against human rights. And the conservatives want to keep it going so we can turn our anger on those Mexicans and not pay attention to the important issues effecting us. The answer is simple and takes a little common sense. Fine the employers that hire the illegal immigrants. Employers are able to verify a Social Security Number that is reported to them by an employee with the Social Security Administration already. They have the ability to determin if the number given is correct or incorrect. The fine system should be progressive, start it low and increase it for additional offenses. This will protect the business owner that accidentaly hires an illegal immigrant and will not sink his business. And this will force the real offenders to pay increasing fines for new transgressions. The result is that the employer that does not wish to hire an American for a descent wage will eventualy stop hiring illegals when it gets to expensive to do so. If the Mexicans have no jobs to come here for they will stop coming. Stop the demand and there will be no supply. Funny how you don't hear leftys or conservatives give a real solution like this. Maybe they both want to keep the issue burning. So the solution is we can stand up to the strong i.e. the employers, and stop this important problem. Or we can pick on the weak i.e the Mexicans. Ah hell, lets pick on the weak. It's more fun and you have less of a chance of getting your own a@# kicked. Stay asleep. Don't look at the serious problems around you. Focus on this B.S. problem with an easy solution. Stay angry at those Mexicans.
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