The wheelchair manufacturing company owned by congressional candidate Dan Meuser and his family paid a $23,000 fine in 1997 for employing illegal immigrants.
Remember, leadership can make a difference.
The next thing you know he will be telling us how he used his varmit gun to pick off the Guatemalans on his lawn.
Gort42 special immigration correspondent Pedro de Pacas said:
Cuál es la gran cosa Man.
Los méxico-americanos no tienen educación, por lo que ir a la escuela nocturna, tome español, obtener una B.
2 days ago
I don't understand why this would be a huge issue. Dan Meuser wanted to give others less fortunate the opportunity to pull themselves up and become successful from their own hard work.
/end sarcasm
Remember kids, you can only be successful in NEPA by exploiting others or having the correct party contacts.
The least Dan could do is train them to speak Haina Bonics so they aren't so obvious!
well maybe dan was trying to help the democratic party sign up more latinos.
ya gotta love this guy, hey is a hypocrite with a capital H.
can the voters in the 10th see a pattern. danny boy only cares about danny, f--k everyone else.
come on KAR defend this one.........
this kind of story hurt dems who were up for attorney general in the clinton admin, let's see if anti illegal republicans put up with this garbage or will dan drop out, as he should, at this latest revelation.
the only thing funnier would be if one of the barletta family companies did the same thing....... now that would be rich
A closer examination of the record indicates that in 1995 3 illegal aliens presented false identification to secure employment at Pride.
Pride cooperated fully with the INS, took responsibility, and "beefed up" their employment screening closed.
13 year old "news", I guess the "Statute of Limitations" doesn't apply to mud-slinging.
Current events, or issues anyone?
Family farmers? Earmark reform?
I know character assassination is more fun,but eventually you will realize that the primary, and the general election will turn on issues.
dan who is such a strong supporter of lou's plan claims that it shouldn't be up the the employer to "enforce", well lou's plan does just that...
say good night danny.....please don't tear our pary apart anymore than your hacks have on the blogs...........
so kar in the 11th are we not going to discuss cornerstone it is years old now... will you speak out against barletta if he brings it up... or will remain the feckless thug that you are and join you boss in hypocrisy?
and issues don't win elections... just ask obama in ohio and texas.... it was the negative character attacks that won it for hilary. since danny has no character he is outta there...
unfortunately hacket aint much better so it is carney in 08, in 2010, 12, 14 ....
thanks dan and chris for stopping any real conservatives from running and costing the republicans the 10th for the foreseable future. jerks...
Character Assasination by Hackett / Maderia withsome help from contributor Scott Lynett
this is what they do...
13 year old fraud by illegals ? get real .. hackett employs them every day
do you have proof tht hackett employs them, or is this the same inuendo about obama being a muslim?
Kar, what did, I ask you,? I asked you, to , write in, English,. Maybe, one, of Mr. Meuser's illegal buddies, was your, grammar teacher, in, school?
I have no dog in this fight and as a red-blooded conservative Republican I will vote for whoever wins the primary: Hackett or Meuser.
Much of what I am reading on this blog is simply mud-slinging on one side and spinning on the other.
This is a VERY SERIOUS ALLEGATION. Without the spin and without the throwing of mud, will someone tell me/us exactly what happened.
To the Meuser campaign: the obvious (non-partisan) question that MUST be resolved is, "If Pride did nothing wrong, why were they charged and more importantly,
THIS IS BIG, AND NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED. If Mr. Meuser wins the primary with this monkey on his back, Chris Carney will win the general.
Meuser, please answer this accusation completely or you'll lose my support.
His Holiness cannot begin to even count the number of people who are strongly against the illegals and yet, who employ them to fix their homes at a bargain price. We should give Mr. Meuser the benefit of the doubt because these people just cannot see that what they are doing is just plain wrong. Forgive them Lord, For they know no what they do. Bless you all.
Does anybody really think that at a company the size of Pride that the president of said company interviews and hires all of the employees???
Sorry Zen, the fish stinks from the head down. If he wants to take credit for all the good things that Pride does, and there are many, he must also take responsibility for the foul ups.
anon 1:15, you're right and that's exactly what the company did. They fully cooperated with the INS investigation, they changed policies, and paid a fine. Is that being irresponsible? Is that bad leadership? Let's not forget that the 2 or 3 illegals had fraudlent id. I think that mistake could happen to anyone.
Well said Zen, but sadly the "real" conservatives have already made up their minds.
Small and narrow as their minds are it didn't take much time.
I'm a proud republican, but some of the things I've read here today posted by Hackett/Mederia/Toomey make me feel ashamed to be in the same party as them.
They should start their own party and frankly, the sooner the better.
I'm sorry to say this. All of you people who think this election is going to be decided on this blog need a reality check. No offense Gort. However I'm going to offend everyone now with this next comment but it's true. So listen up all of you.
Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard.
Hey kar rino, nothing is sacred and anything goes, right? Anything as long as your scum bag wins.
OK, current events it is...
The last decade has shown that capital gains can be manipulated in the short run. How do the candidates plan on tightening these loopholes that encouraged misdealing and putting our economy at risk of systemic failure? How has signing the ATR pledge not cut off both candidates at the knees in regards to seeking tax solutions considering the current circumstances?
Case study
Since both candidates have lurking mouthpieces, how would each respond to the following scenario:
Permanent elimination of double taxation of dividends (provided company has positive operating cash flow) and flat income tax of 15% at the expense of increasing the capital gains tax to 28-35% (Capital Gains Tax rate increased to make offsetting deductions revenue neutral).
The question is a bit complex, but the detail of the answer is quite telling if either candidate or his staff (neither candidate needs to be brilliant to be in office but has no business running if he can't find qualified advisers) has any understanding of the economy beyond his own business interests.
Hi Gort,
You crack me up. No matter how bad the dirt is on Dan Meuser wait a few days and it gets worse. This guy is so bad that if he had a casino instead of a wheelchair company the state would have seized it by now. It reminds me of the movie "Primary Colors" where Gov. Fred Picker (Larry Hagman) runs for office even though he has so many skeletons in his closet. I thought that plot twist was a little contrived, after all what sort of moron would run for office with that much dirt ripe for the picking. Now I know what sort of MORON... Dan Meuser.
So the sex stuff will break closer to election day but what about the fundraising. There is a $2,300 per candidate, per election cap on contributions and it appears that someone may have tried to circumvent the limits by using dummies to contribute money that is not there own. If you look at Meuser's FEC reports there are a small group of families who had multiple members max out the contributions. The question is did someone make contributions in family members names to circumvent the Federal law?
I have been active in politics since 1970 and I have never seen a candidate as seriously flawed as Dan Meuser. I suspect that Meuser thought he could buy the race and bring in political hatchet-men like Mike Long and roll over the competition. He miscalculated and Chris Pickett is going to take this primary.
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell
Chris Pickett, Gary Puckett, Chris Hackett... you kill me Barry, you really do, don't you have to fly one of your carpets to Iran?
Ciao for now.
Now that you mention it Gary Puckett would be a better candidate. He would have a lock on the "Union" vote. Surely he would cut into Carney's "Woman Woman" vote. He could rack up the "Young Girl" vote. Especially since they are of voting age since "This Girl Is A Woman Now". So if you haven't pledged your support "Don't Make Promises" until we know if Puckett will run. I guess he will have to check his "Timepiece", but I think we can all agree Puckett would be an "Incredible" candidate.
Too bad he doesn't live in the district. Oh wait Meuser doesn't live in the district either. I am going to have to get some of these songs on iTunes. For all of you Meuser supporters iTunes is like an Internet version of the KMart record section.
In light of current events, maybe you should stock up on some Dave Clark Five instead.
Does anybody really think that at a company the size of Pride that the president of said company interviews and hires all of the employees???
I worked for Pride for several years; much of that time, elbow-to-elbow with Dan Meuser. Believe me or not, the Meuser brothers are megalomaniacal micro-managers. I am telling you that nothing happens without their direct knowledge and approval. Actually, "approval" is too passive a word. Very little happened that was not a result of their ham-fisted, desk-pounding, head-banging directive. Try googling "scooter store federal investigation" or "wheelchair fraud harris county texas" and you will gain a little insight into the phenomenal growth of Pride Mobility in the past 20-some years. Without The Scooter Store, there would be no Pride Mobility Products as we know them today. (The Scooter Store is headquartered in Harris County, Texas, by the by.)
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