This looks to be the most interesting state representative race in Luzerne County. Incumbent Karen Boback is facing off with challenger James May in the Republican primary and the winner will will go up against recent Democrat Russ Bigus in the fall.
Bigus braved the recent snow storm to file his petitions in Harrisburg on Tuesday and said “We’re approaching this campaign very seriously and diligently...I plan to win in November.”
Boback will kick off her reelection campaign today in Dallas with the opening of her HQ.
A bunch of people showed up for May's official announcement on Monday in Dallas and he sent me this press release:
James May Kickoff Rally a Huge Success
More than 130 people braved the frigid cold temperatures on Monday night to support James May in the kickoff to his campaign for the Pennsylvania State House. "This would be an incredible turnout under any circumstances", said May, "but considering the weather, this is just stunning!".
May stuck to his conservative themes of lower taxes, less spending and traditional American values. "In 1976, Ronald Reagan called on Republicans to support a platform of 'bold, unmistakable colors, rather than pastel shades'". said May. "When my opponent lives in a state that has more teacher strikes than every other state in the nation combined, yet she refuses to support legislation that would guarantee every child in the state a strike-free education by banning teacher strikes, that is an indication that she is not a Republican of bold unmistakable colors, but rather a Republican of pastel shades", said May.
One individual in attendance was Bob Guzzardi, from the Conservative Reform PAC. May pointed out that when the PSEA Teachers' Union donated $9,200 to Karen Boback's campaign, the Conservative Reform PAC quickly sent him a check as well: for $9,201. Guzzardi received a thunderous standing ovation for his willingness to financially take on the PSEA.
The speaker for the event was Mr. David Barton, senior staffer in the Republican National Committee and the Bush/Cheney Election Team. In 2006, Barton was named by Time Magazine as "The Lesson Planner" for the conservative movement in America. Barton said that James May represents the conservative principles envisioned by our founding fathers. "I want to elect a person that I don't have to lobby" said Barton. "James May is such a person".
May announced that the Chairman of his Election Committee was Bob Sypniewski, President of Penn Mortgage in Dallas and the Treasurer was Deborah Cragle, Branch Manager of the Wachovia Bank in Tunkhannock. Deborah's father-in-law, Al Cragle, who was also in attendance, served as the Treasurer for Lisa Baker's 2006 campaign.
"This campaign will be about one thing", said May: "Issues". "If I am fortunate enough to be your next Representative, I will fight for the conservative principles of Ronald Reagan. I will follow Reagan's example and be a Republican of 'bold, unmistakable colors, not a Republican of pastel shades'".
Note to the other campaigns, send me your stuff and I will publish it.
7 hours ago
hi there
just testing the system.
Time to show that Bobacks money can't buy votes.
Bigus is disgusting filth.
Hey - be nice to Bigus - he no longer lives in this district - he's moved away from Dallas and is selling his house - he just wants to run for office there!! What a guy!!!
to run for a state office you must be a resident of that district for one year.....
If you like touchy feely good and warm politics vote former (almost)super model Karen Boback
Bigus has lived at the same address for 37 years. I have a good feeling who posted the lie and will be following up on it.
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