WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 9:00 AM

A random journal about local politics, baseball and whatever comes to mind.
Statewide, the rush to be a Democrat or just sign up for the first time is on.
Inky: According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, 19,639 new voters signed up in the period between March 10 and 17, the latest statewide data available. Of those, 14,256 registered as Democrats.
Also, 29,060 people changed their party affiliation to Democrat in just those seven days.
That increased the total number of eligible Democrats to 4,044,952, an increase of 4 percent from last November.
Some thoughts on this.
I think it is great that more people may be voting in a primary than ever before. The Obama campaign has done more to get people into the process than anything I've ever seen so don't trust the poll numbers. This is the most important Democratic Primary since 1976 and if Hillary wins she goes on, if Barry wins it's over.
Rush was encouraging Republicans to switch their registration to the Democrats to vote for Hillary in our closed primary. He calls it Operation Chaos. I know of one person who switched but the result may be differnet than what Rush wanted. We will see how many people switch back after the Prez primary.
How will this impact the Republican primaries?
Locally, the 117th State Rep race is hot and the 10th CD contest that has been the focus of this blog. Will the party shopping affect these races?
A request. I can't make this meeting so if someone wants to write up an objective account of the encounter I will be happy to post it. A transcript would be great.
Best is running for the Democratic nomination in the 118th District against incumbent freshman Mike Carroll.