John Cordora didn't show up. I got distracted and missed this one.
KINGSTON-.....Paul Stebbins Jr. and Joe Chacke, seemed to not care who won the primary, just as long as somebody topples Mundy in November. "I'm just in this because we're not getting what we deserve in Harrisburg," said Chacke, who repeatedly criticized Mundy during the debate. "I think this is the race that's sailing under the radar," said Stebbins. "She thinks she"s already won."
6 hours ago
What about Chackes claim that tort reform wont impact the health care system?
Actually, Chacke said tort reform won't have an impact on an individual, but will be beneficial for doctors and insurance companies and tort reform has merit, just not the answer to save people money.
his answer was studies, studies only cost money, You can find a million studies if you actually learned how to research. I liked the Line where Stebbins said his top priority were our children and Chacke seemed to think there were bigger priorities. Not than our children Joe.
In regards to that quote, read the clarification in today's leader. It was taken out of context. That quote was in reference to the Voter ID bill. Let's talk about Stebbins constant proposal of more unfunded mandates. Our school districts and local governments have enough of them already and can't afford them. His notion that you can get a grant. Number one, they're very competitive, then if you're lucky enough to get one, they don't last forever. Just ask some of the Boroughs in our district about the COPS program. Wyoming and West Pittston got hurt by this.
All i can say anon is that I have more health care insight than you could fathom. Tort reform is AN (one of the many answers) to health care
You're right Dr Rick, it is one of the answers and Chacke said that. Chacke said it's more than that. You're candidate is saying that's his solution. Let me fill you in on someone with knowledge, they don't brag about it, so that tells me the type of person you are.
More anonymous nameless faceless cowards? Hit me with some more fiece and harsh comments. You know where to find me.
Good point Rick.
I believe that Stebbins said it will help but was not the full solution. Yup, papers right here, I actually remember Cordora slinging mud and Chacke aiming at Mundy for bad leadership but who's police dept. was about to go bye-bye. I think only one candidate is saving his ammo and it's looking really good for him right now. Whether the candidate was an Ass in High School doesn't mean crap to me, because I have read some of his college credentials and boy graduating with honors and the profession he chose makes it look like he grew up to me. I don't like any of the candidates to beat Mundy but only one will probably rely on the issues. Dr. Rick and Dr. Richard what the hell man, get along.
Oh that grant thing by the way, I was talking to a couple I know that went there, wasn't that for a program approved nationally for drug prevention. Go on the site jackass, the costs weren't that much.
You have no clue what that program was! It was a Clinton initiative and what it was for was to put more officers on ther street. It paid the officers salary for a few years, but they had to keep the officers on longer. They got nailed and as soon as the time limit expired, they got rid of them. It's easy for people that have no clue about budgets, grant requirements, contracts, etc to make assinine statements. A person job, that's ridiculous! That makes someone qualified to be a rep. Let's get the mother that cares for her down syndrome child on the ballot then, or special education teachers, or the seniors who donate time on meals on wheels. A combination of experience, education and the business communities support is what is necessary. I'd say more, but the only people reading this and post comments is Stebbins himself and his wife and maybe mom.
well then this must be Joe Chacke writing anon, actually I was the young guy in the front at your debate you fool. The same debate where you rolled your eyes repeatedly when Stebbins Spoke. Oh and budgets, weren't you the same guy who couldn't balance your own budget in Forty Fort and Paul didn't even make a comment about it. You haven't done dick for your own town. I hope you are reading this and can picture me now. I think your mad that Paul isn't a sell-out to his conservative views while you are Mr. Union. I think May 16th will do the speaking. Maybe you should have listened instead of rolling your eyes because the program he talked about didn't even involve law enforcement. Once again, you don't listen to the people. I guess that is your nature.
I'm the young girl that sat in the audience that day. Remember me? I remember you wearing a Stebbins sticker. A little bias? Did you forget Joe Chacke settled the police contract and balanced the budget without increase taxes or increases costs? Guess not, that's your and Stebbins nature, only paying attention to partial facts. How about how he lied in his very first statement? Here is his quote, " I am a life long resident of Exeter." Well everyone knows that isn't true. So good way to start, lies!
One more thing, Stebbins kept scrunching his face and making weird eyes every time Chacke talked. What do you call that? Oh, I guess he's your candidate, so that's OK.
Thats what we call deep thinking, O know its hard to understand and quite frankly that TL piece was wonderful for our candidate today , thanks, keep beating around the bush with questions. Oh and I believe the quote was that his wife was a life-long resident of Exeter, man you both only hear what you want. By the way, It's nice to see that the only young woman in the audience other than SP.J.'s wife was Joes.
Still can't get your facts straight. That article made Stebbins look like a buffoon. Desperation is ugly. Your candidate's inexperience is showing. Good luck, enjoy 20%.
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