The Phils host the Giants tonight. Barry Bonds is 3 dingers away from passing the Babe. The Phillies have won 5 in a row and evened their record. All the talk is about steroids, so what. Baseball has a long tradition of cheating. Why is this different than emory boards, spit balls or corked bats?
Hey Gort, Rain man here. You know I don't follow sports except for the triple crown races which I hope the Kentuky will be a memeorable event this year. But let me give you a non sports lover view of your coments. You ask why steriod abuse is such a big problem for people to swollow in baseball when many other forms of cheating has happened in the past. Well let me give you my veiw. Look at Babe Ruth, he smoked, drank, and enjoyed the company of women (wink wink). And he was still able to hit all of those home runs. How many of these pharmacy enhanced hopped up players's could even come close to the Babe if they followed his training regiem? Well anyway I hope to see you today and I hope we get to do one mean rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar! May we all have the blessing of Pope George Ringo! If I don't see you give my love to Misses Gort, the dog and the cat. Take care my freind hope to see you.
P.S. I got good info for the race today by a betting enthusiast who wishes to remain annonymous. I will just give his initials, Mr. P Rose. If I see you, I'll give you the tip.
I am surprised at your comments Gort, my son; cheating in any form is wrong--and His Holiness--though not the baseball enthusiast/expert that you are, feels that it takes away from the enjoyment of the game when it is played by sooped up robots. When one cheats, whether it is in sports, employment, and POLITICS--one rapes the consciousness of his fellow man. Incidentally, and way off message, His Holiness noticed that NBC NEWS led with the Patrick Kennedy story on its 630 broadcast last night--apparantly a drunken congressman is more important to cover than the sudden resignation of our CIA DIRECTOR. CBS and ABC respectively led with the Kennedy story second. ALL the cable news outlets carried the Kennedy story as if it were Armageddon--though good old Porter was giving Pat a run for his money. MY POINT? IF the media is so called LIBERAL they would have only provided minimal coverage of poor Pat Kennedy. His Holiness had to do a double take with his remote control to be sure that the stations he was viewing were not all taken over by FOX NEWS> Bless You.
Hey Gort, when Diebold steals an election (as it may already have), should we care about that?
This is baseball. Politics on other posts.
Oh, I see, for a minute there I thought you were talking about cheating. Sorry.
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