Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cell phones

Some of my friends are celebrating the elimination of an antiquated tax on telephones. For most people it will mean a couple of bucks and will increase the deficit. It would be nice if they came up with a way to cut spending in an equal amount. I may be wrong but I think cell phone customers will benefit the most. Good for them.

I hate cell phones. What is so important that you have to be glued to one of these devices? You turn into a dog on a leash and can't even use the excuse that you weren't home when somebody called. I have been out for dinner where 3 of the 4 people at the next table have all been yelling into the things. A few days ago I'm trying to watch a ballgame at my local pub while some idiot was searching for the perfect ring tone. I left. I have had many close calls while driving when some jerk had one of them glued to their ear. It's just a matter of time before I get clobbered. When I ask why some one has a cell phone, the most common answer is in case I-my wife-girlfriend-kid-Aunt Tilly break down. How often does that happen?

I would not cut taxes on cell phones, I would increase them! Pennsylvania has a lot of Nuisance Taxes. This is one of the biggest Nuisances in my life.


D.B. Echo said...

When you end a cellphone conversation while driving, the question more often is "Where am I?"

I was at an REM concert a few (well, SEVEN) yeears ago, and I swear half the people there were talking on their cell phones. Not holding them up so their friends could hear the concert, but just yakking away. "Hey, what's up?....Not much, you?...Where am I? Some show, I guess..."

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'd like to say ... wait my phone is ringing.

Ok, as I was saying, .. there it goes again.

Alright, I'd get rid of it, but I start sweating profusely when it's away from me for more than 5 minutwes. It's my binkie!

pissed off patricia said...

I have one but I never give anyone my number because the only reason I have it is in case the power goes out or for an emergency on the road. I can't understand why when someone is traveling or shopping why they would want to be bothered by a phone call. Like you said when you're out it a lovely time not to have to be a slave to a phone.