The source of the last minute attack ad that appeared in the Citizens Voice on Monday has been identified as City-Wide Towing owner Bob Kadluboski. It turns that the ad violated the election code by not identifying who paid for it.
CV: The advertisement was extremely critical of two candidates — optometrist Brian O’Donnell and Luzerne County Clerk of Courts Bob Reilly — who ran unsuccessful campaigns for the Democratic nomination for state representative in the 121st Legislative District. The bottom of the advertisement identified it as a “paid political ad not authorized by any candidate.”....We regret we made a mistake and it’s never going to happen again,” Citizens’ Voice Publisher Scott Lynett said. “We make our best efforts to ensure all ads are factually accurate.”O’Donnell and Reilly said Thursday they might take action against the person who placed the advertisement, identified by the newspaper’s advertising director Mark Altavilla as City-Wide Towing owner Bob Kadluboski. Altavilla also admitted the paper made a mistake by publishing the anonymous ad.Kadluboski declined comment Thursday, but hinted he may say more at a press conference he is planning.
10 hours ago
Take the piece of shit to court. Reilly and O'Donnell should take him for what little he has. Either one of those men would be a better State Rep. than Eddie Day.
Yeah, Brian O'Donnell would be much better. He is a total loser. Him and his scumbag family -- now that suckling on the public's teet is coming to an end, maybe they'll get some real jobs, other than Neil suing insurance companies.
Kadluboski -- is that you? Sit tight, you'll get your day (hopefully Neil isn't on the other side ... for your sake)
I'll take a crook over an incompetent.
Boy are you guys in for a big surprise come next year. Your days are numbered O'Douchelles.
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