Dr. Rick broke the story.
The Big News IS Here...Paul J.M. Stebbins Jr. became the only candidate in the 120th District race to garner the support of PACleansweep this past week. For more details you can go to the PACleansweep website at http://www.pacleansweep.com/
I was wondering if any candidate would get this groups backing. I think this will really sway some conservatives to his advantage. I haven't really read much on this race but now it looks like there may be a front-runner. I did like the piece he wrote on PACleansweep about his issues. However, we have so many people running in the 117th , it is tough to pay attention to the other races. Kudos to this guy though because I think it will only help him.
Oh God, this is a fringe group that can't even get its own house in order. He just ruined any chance he had at winning. Now I have to figure out which of the two other guys I'm voting for now. Just when I thought I figured it out.
Here, Here! That is the dumbest thing that guy could have done. Being associated with that group is almost as bad as being the incumbent who voted for a raise.
Why is clean sweep enforing him agaoinsat non imcumbents
if they were a really motivated group they would be working aginst Jubs
Clean sweep's original idea was noble, but it has since turned into a political arm for a guy with his own ambitions for Governor and to stroke his own ego. Clean sweep is bad and any candidate endorsed by them is bad. Alterior motives all around.
I think this helps the candidate, an endorsement is an endorsement and some people think Conservatives will be the group most likely to vote cleansweeps way. I don't think it would be fair to say that this candidate is bad because he believes in the message. I think he took the ball and rolled with it. I like his shot.
I think Mundy's supporters are trying to hope that the young guy doesn't win, perhaps it could be that he really is a very good candidate, despite being 27 or whatever he is. I saw the same things posted for other candidates and the reality is that no other candidate is being hurt by cleansweep support so why would this candidate who is running against someone who took the raise going to be hurt by it. If it were a bad group I could see it and I do think Russ Diamond had a motive but for these people endorsed, I think it's like in the statement above, they believed in the message, even if Russ Diamond didn't.
Boy an awful lot of anonymous'. I guess no one is really willing to put their name to their work like this candidate did, In the spirit of everyone I shall remain anonymous as well :(~
Wow, who really cares about clean sweep? All I know is that this guy got trounced by Yudichak. Or let's just say he couldn't even get his campaign off the ground in my hometown. So he moved to another district. Good, old-fashioned carpet bagging. Following in the footsteps of his hero Hillary! Ha, ha. I know the Stebbins family, practically neighbors in Newport. Paul even came to me for a signature last time out. The guy is just plain dumb. He's not a leader. If this district elects a guy like him, well hell, they deserve it!!!
I can't believe this forum has 9 posts! It's obvious Stebbins or his committee wrote the positives and probably the other guys had something to do with the negatives. Here's the truth, Bigus is a clean sweep. He has no chance. Most clean sweep candidates don't. As for this guy, it will neither hurt him nor help him. I'm from West Pittston, Atlantic, and I've made up my mind weeks ago. Stebbins isn't who I'm voting for either. Most of my friends aren't either. We have my reasons. I wish the guy well. Keep working with those kids.
HAhAhA you all are losers, everyone of you, all the candidates and all the people who respond to these blogs. I do have to say the carpet-bagger is getting kinda old, I've seen it printed before. I want to defend him but he's a ratpublican. I know he didn't face Yuddy and therefor wouldn't be able to get trounced by him. No election results period. I talked to some friends up in Mountain Top about this comment awhile ago. Seems his family mostly lives up there. As for the West Pittston Comment, your probably from Forty Fort or Kingston Township and need some of the votes up that way. You don't realize the facts. Whatever loser you put up on the ballot is going to be trounced by Phyllis Mundy. Not Paulie Boy Stebbins, not Joe Nutsack Chacke, Not Wacko Cordoni. They all will lose, you ratpublicans suck plain and simple. It's so pathetic that people are calling other candidates carpetbaggers and everything else, this is why America is disenfranchised by your party. You can't even act cordially towards each other, why would we expect you do this for voters? Once more, Three Cheers For Mundy, Three Cheers for Mundy. Now end the stupid 9 or 10 comments or whatever Atlantic St. said it was. Your going to lose.
Wilcock, that is so stupid. Why would you even get involved. These are the dumbest posts I ever read. Anybody read the Voice today? Clean Sweep is done. They can't even gain support amongst their own candidates. Congrats Stebbins, you jumped on a bandwagon that everyone else is jumping off of. Good move. You're a big, dumb ogre.
R. Carey
That's just for you Wilcock
Alec, R Carey and all you ANONS, It is pretty clear you or your canidate feels threatned by Paul or you wouldn't be posting such nonsense. Logic says mud slinging comes from jealousy or fear, so which is it? I would think you should be afraid. Paul is the only canidate who is proven as honorable based solely on his choosen profession. That is reason enough to pick him over the other two republican canidates. As a voter I look for the mudslingers just to be sure they don't get my vote. So keep it clean boys your age is showing.
ME go poopee. Did this replace Say So?
I think it did, You all are funny, but in the end someone will win and someone will lose.
You guys should show a little more respect towards Paul. It takes a lot of effort to run a campaign without a huge committee doing the work for you. I wish him the best of luck.
It's too bad we didn't get to see a debate. I saw the Stebbins' letter to the editor and it's a shame that the 120th candidates wouldn't participate like the other districts. You democrats keep voting for Mundy and keep your Valley mentality. Look at the progress you're making with her.
Oh, God. Now Paul's mom is posting comments!
No I think that was Your mom? I'm not sure though, is she the big slut LOL I am god, No Candidate can beat MUNDY, She will be the destroyer
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