I usually don't wander north of the Maginot Line of Luzerne and Lackawanna as Tom Borthwick puts it but the 114th HD race just got interesting.
This is a bit of a surprise Melanie Madeira has entered the GOP primary to take on Democratic incumbent Sid Michaels Kavulich (Sid K) who was unopposed in 2012 and romped to victory against a guy named Derf in 2010.
It's hard to separate from her husband David who found a way to lose every election he ever contested. Dave now has a radio show and told me he was done running for office.
TL: “I strongly believe in the importance of an incumbent having a
challenger every election. Anyone elected to represent the voters should
have to be held accountable — good or bad — for their record.” She
added that if she wins she would hope someone would challenger her every
election, too.
“My campaign will be getting people to vote for me, not against Sid. I’m an issues person,” Madeira said.
“My platform is based on a quote from Samuel Adams, ‘It does not
require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority
keen to set brushfires in people’s minds.’ I intend for my campaign to
become a firebug,” she said.
“Voters are tired of platitudes and promises … what they want to hear
is someone speaking the plain, old truth, and the truth is what lights
those brushfires in people’s minds.”
Melanie Madeira
Sid K
1 day ago