Lawmakers Deliver First On-Time Budget In Eight Years.
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A random journal about local politics, baseball and whatever comes to mind.
Some of my friends on the right have jumped all over Congressman Paul Kanjorski's latest episode of fumblemouth.
"We're giving relief to people that I deal with in my office every day now unfortunately," Kanjorski said. "But because of the longevity of this recession, these are people -- and they're not minorities and they're not defective and they're not all the things you'd like to insinuate that these programs are about -- these are average, good American people."
But if you watch the whole clip it doesn't sound that bad. I can't emded it right now but if you want to see it just copy this into your browser:
Lou Barletta wasted no time demanding an apology
Hazleton, PA – Hazleton Mayor and 11th Congressional District candidate Lou Barletta demanded that Paul Kanjorski apologize for comments he made during a U.S. House of Representatives hearing Wednesday in which he called some people “defective” and said minorities are not “good American people.”
Kanjorski said: "We're giving relief to people that I deal with in my office every day now, unfortunately. But because of the longevity of this recession, these are people – and they're not minorities and they're not defective and they're not all the things you'd like to insinuate that these programs are about – these are average, good American people.” [Emphasis added; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zU0pGyLo9A]
“Kanjorski must apologize for saying some people are ‘defective.’ He said Wednesday that ‘defective people’ are not ‘average, good American people,’ so who are ‘they?’” Mayor Barletta asked. “Also, Kanjorski, in his own words, said Wednesday that minorities are not ‘average, good American people.’ This is outrageous and shows how out of touch Kanjorski is with the real world.”
Congressman Kanjorski's office responded with this statement.
Naturally his opponent Lou Barletta jumped all over this news sending out this press release.
Hazleton, PA – Paul Kanjorski is making the deliberate decision to not meet face to face with his constituents this summer, instead spending taxpayer dollars on telephone conference calls.
I asked Kanjo spokesman Ed Mitchell for a comment and he responded with his usuall wit:
Typical Barletta gibberish. Must be a slow summer. Congressman Kanjorski meets face-to-face with constituents every day in the district and Washington . He talks with far more of them in a tele-townhall than the other type. Far more economical. Let's talk issues, not silliness. Where does Barletta stand on the jobs bill?
Congressman Chris Carney will continue to have in person town halls as he has been doing since he was first elected in 2006.
Josh Drobnyk, a spokesman for Carney, said the congressman holds meetings with residents in nearly all of the 14 counties within the 10th Congressional District every year. He’s already done so in Snyder and Lycoming counties this year.
“Congressman Carney holds town hall meetings throughout the district every year because he believes it is important to listen to the hard-working families of northeast and central Pennsylvania. This year is no different,” Drobnyk said. “He has already held a number of issue-oriented meetings with constituents and will continue to do so. He will balance those meetings with his military commitments. Additional town halls will be scheduled when the congressional voting calendar permits later this summer.”
Last year one of his staff members got abused at a cut the red tape session that every member sponsors. Ed is tickled that this YouTube has had over 16,000 hits, he is almost famous.
Anyway, Carney will be holding town hall meetings and will dress appropriately.