I think the life story of Greg Skrepenak would make a great TV movie. Local boy with athletic talent goes off to a Big 10 school and excels at football then has success in the NFL making big bucks. After his 5 year professional football career he returns home wanting to do good establishing a foundation to spread around his wealth to worthy causes. Then he got involved in local politics and the All-American Boy becomes an admitted criminal who is now apparently broke. This is a tragedy that Shakespeare could have written.
I know I will be in the minority, but I kind of feel bad for the grossly overweight guy. I think his involvement in politics ruined his life. He seemed like a good guy corrupted by the system. Good people need to stay away from politics, it will eat one alive.
ANON 11:24a.m., I have been saying the same thing all along. Skrepenak is just a simpleton that didn't learn too much at Michigan and because of his nievete he is now paying a big price. It's ashame that he wasn't happy with his fortune from football and his career in education. Although, I'm sure his ex-wife probably sucked up a good portion of his NFL dollars with all of her legal and drug problems.
Skrep sacrificed his professional career by putting the well being of his wife and family ahead of his football career. That didn't set well with the management and out he went. He spent most of his money on his wife and mother of his children by trying to be a good husband and father and helping his wife to get sraightened out and all he did was go broke. Enter the bastard businessmen who took advantage of his situation and personal nievete and destroyed a good Christian man. I'm not ashamed to say I feel sad for him and I am not ashamed to speak with him in public. I too am a Christian and I try to be a good one. I walk the walk while others are like those in the crowd that Jesus rebuked and asked he without sin, cast the first stone.
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