Statement from Congressman Chris Carney:
“The Marcellus Shale has presented our region with a tremendous economic opportunity, but we must be vigilant in protecting the drinking water in our communities. The state must set common sense, enforceable rules that ensure the safety of our waterways and guide the industry’s growth in Pennsylvania. And the General Assembly must include a budget model next year that gives the state the tools it needs for proper oversight. It must allow for more inspectors to adequately monitor the well sites and respond to reports of contamination. It must also fund proper emergency measures to respond to spills.
I am very concerned about the reports of contaminated water in our community. I support the Environmental Protection Agency’s review of the hydraulic fracturing process so that we can determine the effects of the fracking process and what additional federal steps are needed to ensure the safety of our water.
Over the past several months, I have met with the natural gas industry and leaseholders alike about the responsibilities of all sides. The natural gas industry and U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette’s office are in discussions over language that will allow for greater disclosure of fracking fluid ingredients without disclosing the proprietary formulas used in the fracking process. I am optimistic those discussions will yield a positive outcome.”
I'm still waiting for a statement from his Republican opponent Tom Marino
1 day ago
1 comment:
We need to TAX the Reckless Drillers @ 50%, and have FREE health care and FREE education for all Pennsylvania residents. They will drill even at a 50% tax. It's still huge profits for them. What Pa. legislators will step forward and be heroes on behalf of all Pennsylvanians, and use the casino taxes as an example of how to tax the Reckless Drillers? They will drill no matter what the tax is. That's bullshit, that they say they will pull out if there's a tax. Total bullshit. That's like saying, "We don't want to make millions and billions of dollars". Because that's what they will still make.
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