Today 117th Democratic State Rep candidate Richard Shermanski will be at King's Pizza, 49 S Mountain Blvd in Mountaintop at 7PM. Join us for free pizza and soda, and meeting the Democratic Party's nominee for State Representative! Representatives for other local and statewide campaigns will also be there, so please pop by and say hello!
Tomorrow Congressman Joe Sestak will bring his US Senate campaign to Misericordia University's Bevevino Library, 301 Lake St, Dallas starting at 2PM. It's good to see that his camp actually did some advance work this time.
On Tuesday James O'Meara will be at the Naked Grape in Plains at 6PM and he also promises free pizza. All this pizza is not going to help my ulcer. Jim has an uphill fight as a Republican in the overwhelming Democratic 121st State Representative District and also has a tea and crumpets event scheduled for June 24th at the GOP HQ in Wilkes-Barre or is it coffee and cake. My suggestion is to forget the deserts and go for a cheesesteaks and beer event.
State Senate 14th District Republican candidate Luzerne County Commissioner Steve Urban has a meet and greet scheduled for June 17th starting at 5PM at one of my favorite restaurants Dan's Keystone Grill , 162 Union St., Plains. If you go and decide to have dinner get the prime rib and order it rare. The next day Urban will be at the Chicken Coop in the East End section of Wilkes-Barre. The wings are way overrated.
El alcalde de Hazleton Lou Barletta está tomando su tercer disparo en la sede del Congreso de 11 y una barbacoa para programar 18:00, 22 de junio en la parrilla de Damon Estado Carr. 120. 93 de Hazleton, PA y estará a Dooley's Pub, 120 Oak Street, Old Forge a partir de las 18:00. No he comprobado el menú para ver si puedo conseguir un burrito o algunos de nacho
Sorry Shawn, I just can't help it.
This Sunday you can join my Libertarian Party friends including Tim Mullen at Grotto Pizza in Edwardsville at 2PM.
Estoy alegre saber que McGruff es escritor del periódico, un farmacéutico y dios sabe qué más. LMAO>
Yawn. A press release passing as blogger "news." Whatta scoop. Apply for an obit clerk job at the TL why don't you.
is yawn a west side blogger?
No, i'm a real Wilkes-Barre newspaper reporter with a salary and benefits, not a blotter, sopping up a little this and a little that and passing it off as news that soothes your ego.
Thanks for the heads up. I plan to be there asking about veteran issues. Best way for us to make a decision is to be active in our political process.
Wilkes Barre reporters regardless of which paper they work for a mini puppets who write what their told and nothing more. Glorified high school cub reporters looking for a hand to lick.
A real reporter with salary and benefits but obviously nothing to do but sit around and read blogs and respond with pompus lunacy. Why don't you go out and try to find a real story? You know like Carl and what's his name from the DC paper?
Hey Reporter I read the papers everyday but have never seen the byline Anonymous.
That dudes head on the side of Joe is huge.
Steve Urban and chicken wings - sounds right! He's been too chicken to expose any corruption in Luzerne County government!
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