All the attention this week has been on the 3 way battle between the front runners Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the surging Ron Paul but my favorite Republican candidate Rick Santorum is still in the hunt.
Iowa has a history of surprising the political commentariat with Mike Huckabee winning in 2008 and Pat Robertson coming in 2nd in 1988. A little known former Governor of Georgia somehow spun his 2nd place showing to uncommitted in 1976 as a win making him a national candidate. Jimmy Carter then won the New Hampshire primary, beat George Wallace in Florida and defeated the field in Pennsylvania wrapping up the nomination.
A 3rd place or better showing by Santorum means his longshot candidacy would allow him to go on and camp out in South Carolina skipping New Hampshire hoping to become the next not Romney. If he wins or comes in a close 2nd in South Carolina it then would be a showdown in Florida. The political junkie in me wants the race to last until at least Super Tuesday, March 6th and I can hope against all reason that the Pennsylvania primary on April 24th will be the deciding contest like 1976.
Tempering my enthusiasm Rick's camp can't do the hard work of actually getting on the ballot in an important state like his home state of Virginia.
Santorum was born in Winchester, Virginia and moved to Butler County, Pa. as a child. He officially changed his residency to Virginia after leaving office.
Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul will be on the ballot in Virginia. Even fellow Virginia resident Newt Gingrich failed to get enough signatures confirming that his campaign is an unorganized mess. Jon Huntsman, Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry also failed to follow the rules.
Newt put out a bizarre ad staring an elf that is not Wil Ferrrell:
Iowa gained its reputation from Jimmy Carter back in 76. In reality, it's nothing more than a beauty contest with no prize---at least on the Republican side. Very few of its winners ever get too far and New Hampshire always overshadows Iowa's results. Why candidates spend years up there is beyong my understanding. Romney by ignoring it for the most part shows tact. Hell, he has the nomination already, but he will be a weak general election candidate for the simple reason that unlike Obama in 08 he will not have Won the nomination though prowess and vigor, but by default since all of his opponents were ingrates.
Bless You All.
God Bless our Sainted Senator Santorum!!!!
He will WIN Iowa and go on to whip Romney's liberal butt in beautiful South Carolina and then it is onward Christian Soldiers through the other Southern states (to hell with liberal Virginia!) and be the nominee as I have always hoped.
I'm no fairy, but I have a tear in my eye as I write this knowing that this decent man will be our next President in another year!! Next Christmas will be the best ever!!!!!
The rest of you can drop dead!!!!
I wonder if anyone will mention that Rick S. lived in VA with his family while serving in the Senate and billed the Williamsport School District for the schooling his children were receiving in VA? Do I dislike Ricky? No, I despise him.
Actually it was the Penn Hills district.
As a lifelong hunter and angler, I am embarrassed to see Rick Santorum sell himself as a sportsman. His extreme anti-environment positions while in the U.S. House and Senate have contributed to the irreparable harm done to America's wildlife and their habitat by the radical rightwingers. He's done more to hurt hunters and hunting in general than the most rabid anti-hunter.
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