In the latest PPP in Iowa my favorite presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-VA) is now in a dead heat for the lead of the also rans. Ron Paul has 23 percent, Mitt Romney 20 percent, Newt Gingrich 14 percent. Fourth place is a tie between Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry at 10 percent. Polling in a caucus state is not as reliable as it is in a primary but it bumbs along the horse race narrative.
I've worked in many election campaigns where it was hard enough to identify your voters and convince them to take 15 or 20 minutes out of their day to vote let alone try to get people to show up for a 3 hour meeting. Newt has been dropping like a rock in the surveys and I have been reading that he doesn't have much of an organization in Iowa. Ron Paul is surging and has an army of volunteers and dedicated followers that matters. If there is a blizzard on January 3rd he will win going away. Romney is spending big in the state hoping for a 1-2 punch with a 1st place showing followed by a win in New Hampshire.
Santorum has been working the state hard and yesterday he got the backing of two so called family values leaders. Rick has an organization and has visited all 99 counties.
Two Iowa conservative Christian leaders this morning endorsed Rick Santorum for president
One of them, Bob Vander Plaats, asked Bachman to drop out of the race. This thing is so much up in the air that it is not inconceivable that Santorum could be the surprise of the night finishing 3rd or better.
Yesterday Santorum reminded me why he is my favorite Republican candidate when he said:
HP: "They talk about income inequality. I'm for income inequality. I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality."
He then launched an attack at President Barack Obama. "President Obama is for income equality. That's socialism. It's worse yet, it's Marxism."
TP: A recent poll found that Americans’ fears about income inequality are growing, with two-thirds of likely voters saying the middle class is shrinking, and 55 percent saying that income inequality has become a big problem for the country. Santorum, evidently, thinks more of the same is what they need.
Just for fun
Adultery Dating Website Ashley Madison Endorses Newt Gingrich:
Extra-marital dating website AshleyMadison.com has erected a billboard of serial adulterer and presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich in Bucks County, Pennsylvania that reads: “Faithful Republican, Unfaithful Husband. Welcome to the AshleyMadison.com Era.”
They really wanted Herman Cain.
I've worked in many election campaigns where it was hard enough to identify your voters and convince them to take 15 or 20 minutes out of their day to vote let alone try to get people to show up for a 3 hour meeting. Newt has been dropping like a rock in the surveys and I have been reading that he doesn't have much of an organization in Iowa. Ron Paul is surging and has an army of volunteers and dedicated followers that matters. If there is a blizzard on January 3rd he will win going away. Romney is spending big in the state hoping for a 1-2 punch with a 1st place showing followed by a win in New Hampshire.
Santorum has been working the state hard and yesterday he got the backing of two so called family values leaders. Rick has an organization and has visited all 99 counties.
Two Iowa conservative Christian leaders this morning endorsed Rick Santorum for president
One of them, Bob Vander Plaats, asked Bachman to drop out of the race. This thing is so much up in the air that it is not inconceivable that Santorum could be the surprise of the night finishing 3rd or better.
Yesterday Santorum reminded me why he is my favorite Republican candidate when he said:
HP: "They talk about income inequality. I'm for income inequality. I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality."
He then launched an attack at President Barack Obama. "President Obama is for income equality. That's socialism. It's worse yet, it's Marxism."
TP: A recent poll found that Americans’ fears about income inequality are growing, with two-thirds of likely voters saying the middle class is shrinking, and 55 percent saying that income inequality has become a big problem for the country. Santorum, evidently, thinks more of the same is what they need.
Just for fun
Adultery Dating Website Ashley Madison Endorses Newt Gingrich:
Extra-marital dating website AshleyMadison.com has erected a billboard of serial adulterer and presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich in Bucks County, Pennsylvania that reads: “Faithful Republican, Unfaithful Husband. Welcome to the AshleyMadison.com Era.”
They really wanted Herman Cain.

"President Obama is for income equality. That's socialism. It's worse yet, it's Marxism."
Santorum can put a twist on income inequality and use the reference he wants and he can further twist Obama's definition by calling it Socialism but let's get back to the true meaning of the term "income equality." That term actually refers to "equal pay for equal work", FAIRNESS. So the sound bite distortion by Santorum is typical of Republican double talk and changing meanings of terminology. I'm surprised to hear that Gort agrees with that distortion. I do agree that people as described in the Santorum statement who work harder and smarter should be rewarded but that has nothing to do with income inequality.
People who think that socialism, communism, fascism, Marxism, et. al. are the same thing really need to open a political science book. Their lack of understanding of basic political theory and philosophy is enough to disqualify them from holding office, or, if they know what these terms actually mean, and continue to tell us they're the same thing in order to rile up the right-wing, then they should be disqualified from holding office for insulting our intelligence.
Now, it seems that every GOP candidate has had his/her 15 minutes of fame (and it really feels like 15 minutes for each of them), and we all knew that Paul and Santorum would be Number 1 at some point. I think it's safe to say that we can congratulate President Obama on his re-election, because clearly, America wants none of these Republican imbeciles running the country. Barack may not be the best, but he's certainly not the worst, and he's exponentially better than the alternative.
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