Just an old fashioned cooking the books for a friend. At least one question has been answered, Luzerne County Prothonotary Jill Moran does show up at the office once in a while. What she does when she is there is another question.
DA: Feds eyeing ‘Doe’ flap
Changing the name on a tax lien for a pal may or may not be a crime but it sure doesn't look good. Our crusading District Attorney/Judicial candidate typically punted the issue, “Because it involves federal Internal Revenue Service issues and federal liens, it would be looked at by officials at that level,” he said.
A Big Fat Slob and The Lu Lac Political Letter have more. Like many of us Mark wants to see Jill in a tube top.
1 day ago
Is Jill married?
No, she's single and playing ball on lots of fields
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