I ran into this tonight on Youtube
I think that BP should put all their efforts into stopping the leak and forget the PR. I don't care how much advertising they do if that well is still gushing oil it doesn't matter.
Congressman Chris Carney can ask the BP bigwigs what is the point of these adverts when he has his hearing in New Orleans
Washington, D.C.—Congressman Chris Carney (PA-10), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Management, Investigations and Oversight, has scheduled a field hearing in New Orleans on July 12 to examine the immediate response to the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill. The hearing, entitled “The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Chain of Command: An Examination of Information Sharing Practices During a Spill of National Significance,” will include testimony from the Coast Guard, the Department of Homeland Security, BP and state and local officials. The time and location of the hearing have yet to be determined.
Congressman Carney, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and six other committee members visited the spill site and surrounding area June 21.
The response to the spill has left many unanswered questions, including how information was shared in the days immediately after the April 20 explosion.
“We must find out what was done to ensure the severity of this disaster was understood and how that information was shared,” said Congressman Carney. “This hearing will hopefully shed some light on the current chain of command, the roles and responsibilities of the participants, what the government and BP could have done better in response to this crisis and lessons that should be put to use in the future.”
2 hours ago
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