PoliticsPA gave him a thumbs up.
11th CD challenger Republican Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta pulled in more money than incumbent Congressman Paul Kanjorski this last quarter but Kanjo still has a million bucks in the bank vs. less than half that for Barletta.
When you look at his latest CFR you find that all the excited Republican groups are throwing money his way because they smell blood in the water. Kanjo is holding is own in fundraising.
Barletta went on the air this week and released an internal poll that said he had a big lead in the race.
Tomorrow he has fund raiser with the other America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
11th CD challenger Republican Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta pulled in more money than incumbent Congressman Paul Kanjorski this last quarter but Kanjo still has a million bucks in the bank vs. less than half that for Barletta.
When you look at his latest CFR you find that all the excited Republican groups are throwing money his way because they smell blood in the water. Kanjo is holding is own in fundraising.
Barletta went on the air this week and released an internal poll that said he had a big lead in the race.
Tomorrow he has fund raiser with the other America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
But you must dress appropriately:

Reporter to Mayor Giulliani:
Is it true that you married your cousin Mr Mayor?
Mayor Giulliani:
She was my second cousin...get it...SECOND COUSIN!
Second cousin? Wow, I thought you would have stopped after the marrying your first cousin, but two of them, damn, that's just wrong.
I know, there are folks in Arkansas that would read the above and go "so what's so funny about marrying your cousin?".
out raised but has only 200k+ for Barletta while Kanjo has 1 million and change? and the real issue is? i am lost on what people are assuming here.
Barletta's buy was a small one that didn't influence anything, for me at least it shows desperation.......
and the fundraiser with Rudy, $75.00 a ticket??? for a top name like that, it shows that Barletta cant attract money contributors even with a big hitter.
I heard for $250.00 you get a photo of Barletta and Rudy, and for another 50 cents, at $250.50 they will throw Toohil in the photo too........
there is no traction for Barletta, the thing this election that is different is, Kanjo is making Barletta's record as Mayor of Hazleton an issue.
for all you conservative Republicans out there how did Lou do with these facts.
* raised property taxes 70%
* raise garbage fees
* raised earned income tax on working families
* exposed the City to a potential $2 million plus lawsuit
* looking to take money from a water authority that WILL raise rates for the other 13 municipalities rate users that wont get a dime
wont even get into the money he left on the table by selling the dredge site to a developer that is presently being investigated by the FEDS,
For those who think all elections are about money - and generally that is true - except in years like 1994 and 2010. The wind is so strong behind republicans it will propel even weak candidates across the finish line.
This is the year Barletta wins - but unless re-districting carves out Scranton and gives it to Carney (assuming he can win - which is still a question with his strong financial advantage) he loses to O'Brian in 2012.
Finally someone that gets it. At stoploubarletta.com he explains it perfectly....... isnt about wind, isnt about image,,,,, it IS about money........
Barletta is going to beat Kanjo because of the cast kanjo has surrounding him. Joe do nothing Warner, Paul I can't remember your name Maher, Joe Piranna The Terrana, and Ed I will run a campaign for whoever gives me the money Mitchell. Kanjo just has to keep opening his mouth who knows what he is going to say again next.
i dont see it that way and it goes to show you dont know what is going on. Warner is NO longer there. has a new operative.....
tell me, how many $75.00 tickets do you think Barletta has sold for the Rudy photo shoot tonight. oh not the shoot that cost $250.00 .. charging $75.00 takes a lot of work to get to the MILLION dollars Barletta states he needs to beat Kanjo......
How many in attendance will have actually paid?
Believe me enough people dont like Paul Maher, Terranna, and Mitchell not to vote for Kanjo and they are dems. But I know this is a pro Kanjo board and a shrine to Ed Mitchell so yes Kanjo will win Big. Most people cant stand Kanjo but he is loved on here.
For those who think that Barletta can beat Kanjo, I have some info for you, Yes darling, there is a Santa Claus -- you idiots!
Most voters don't even know who the fuck Maher, Terranna and Mitchell are. The only folks aware are those on the inside or those who are very active. For the general public, it is a much different story. I called Congressman Kanjorski's office and the man there, whose name I don't recall, took care of our problem within one week. Kanjorski has my family's votes.
You can complain about Kanjo all you want, but he takes acre of his district. He does a lot of things that you'd like him not to as well. Let's look at whan happens though if Lou gets in. All I hear from Republicans across the country are chants of fiscal responsibility, belt tightening, and of course, tax cuts for the rich. So if Lou wins and Head Start, public transportation, and highway dollars get slashed for the state so that the Valley rich people can afford to put up a new Dairy Queen, we should applaud. We pprobably won't have to worry about any legislation for two years because Michelle Bachman said that if the GOP wins the house they should do nothing but subpoena for two years. Fantastic plan for the future of the country at a time when real leadership is needed. And someone ask Lou why it was OK that the previous administration had eight years to fix the border (six of those with a Republican Congress) but didn't do one damn thing about it.
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