10th Pennsylvania Congressional District Republican nominee Tom Marino sent this statement:
"I support reducing our dependence on foreign sources of energy. I believe that the Marcellus Shale "natural gas play" is good for the economy of the 10th Congressional District. We must balance being good stewards of our land with creating jobs"
Tom Marino
4 hours ago
Short, sweet and to the [point. Reduce dependency, be responsible, create jobs.
short, sweet and likely to lead to incredible pollution of the water you personally need to drink, despoilation of our forests and misery for the folks who live anywhere near the sites and their access roads. UGH!
haha, nothing about, you know, the harm to the environment. Nice.
And lest you think there is any difference between R's and D's, Rendell slashes DEP at a time when they can barely keep up with the Marcellus rapists. That was not coincidental. There is a lot of money to be made there, and that opportunity increases exponentially if the pols can set up the right conditions.
What a joke!! This guy has no clue what he is talking about. That's a boiler plate answer drafted by someone on his campaign staff. Does he even know that most of the jobs are going to people from outside of PA?
Jons, jobs, and more jobs! Just slip on this collar, Northeast PA. What the hell have the local politicians done to bring jobs into this area? And now they're telling us to get jobs it the autosodomization industry?
Hey, Marino, go take a swim in Solomon's Creek.
If ever there was an area that SHOULD BE skeptical about economic and environmental exploitation it would be NEPA. The talk about jobs as justification for environmental destruction is old hat here...the coal barons been there, done that...now some politicians want to act as if this is somehow a new concept?
Call me skeptical, but I don't trust gas drillers around most politicians. The only exception? Rep. Mundy, whio deserves tons of credit for actually having vertebrae running down her back on his issue.
Just remember: the source of solar power is FREE - the sun. Natural gas you have to pay for, just like oil. Who is really benefiting from moving from oil to natural gas, instead of from oil to solar? Not us. The natural gas companies. What good is it to YOU going from oil to natural gas instead of solar? You're just paying the natural gas companies instead of the oil companies. Oh, and throw in the natural gas companies acting like the coal barons in respect to the environment.
What's the minimum wage? That's probably what the "jobs" will pay. Has anyone said what these "jobs" will pay? I haven't seen it anywhere. Why don't they say how much these jobs will pay? $7/hr with no benefits? What is it?
Maybe they'll hire illegal aliens for lower cost wages. Ever think of that? Is Barletta going to make sure the Reckless Drillers don't hire illegal aliens for a dollar an hour under the table?
Big Dan is the only one with credibility - he panned Carney in response to his posting which differed little from Marino's - except in length. If you make this a partisan issue - you loose the high ground based on truth. There is little difference between the parties on this - both what the money that will flow from the harvesting of this resource.
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