I recently noticed that I have been doing this blog thing for one year now. My first post was about the Phillies losing again, not much has changed. At first I was going to stick to baseball but the political animal took over. There were plenty of people doing national issues so I decided to toss my two cents in about Luzerne County and Pennsylvania politics.
At first it was great to get 20 or 30 hits a day. Now Gort42 sometimes has hundreds of visitors a day. I have made many new friends doing this and have dealt with some rude jerks but it has been a good ride so far.
So thanks to all who have visited and a big THANK YOU to all who have taken the time to leave a comment.
23 minutes ago
The Phillies are aspiring to be the new {pre series win} Red Sox. Except that the Red Sox fans are undoubtedly the most loyal in baseball and Phillie fans, well, they're not exactly the type people you would want as friends.
Happy Blogiversary, Gort! It's a real milestone.
Thank you Jane,
Reading your site was part of my inspiration to do a blog centered on local issues.
Anon, They are worse than the Sox. One World Series win in 120+ years. I really think the team needs to be sold to someone who wants to win.
I want them to win... I'll pay with the two bottle caps sitting on my desk. One of them has a "win free coke" on the bottom.
A year now? Thanks for giving us a forum to vent on the local politicos.
Hey Gort,
Congrats on 1 year. Many more to come.
Congratulations on your anniversary - and on your numbers! After nearly two years with Another Monkey, I'm still thinking 20-30 hits a day is great!
Thanks DB. I have had a lot of help from you and many others building traffic.
That's a real compliment. Thanks! And congrats on a job well done. We need more good local political blogs. It's where all the interesting stuff gets reported. ;)
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