"There is absolutely no truth to this idle rumor. I am vigorously campaigning for reelection, as my schedule reflects, and am very confident the voters of the 11th District will return me to Congress so I can continue standing up for them on the important issues of our times." --Paul Kanjorski
I really think Barletta is going to surprise a lot of people in what should be a Democratic year. The national party should replace Kanjo with Doherty if they want to hold the seat. This is reminiscent of Sherwood in 06...if the GOP had replaced him, Chris Carney wouldn't be on his way to a second term.
Kanjorski's Famous last words. Full court press back on...
I like Kanjo for the most part, but it's time for him to move aside...as the clip below indicates, he's lost a step, and Doherty would keep the seat in Dem hands.
"...am very confident the voters of the 11th District will return me to Congress so I can continue standing up for them on the important issues of our times."
He wants it bad; he must have some more government contracts to give to his relatives...
Chris Doherty can NOT win a seat in Congress at the current time. He will barely win reelection as mayor next year.
anon 10:16
Gary - is that you? Still dreaming of looking down on your domain from that house on the hill? Didn't you learn anything in 2005?
RE: "Chris Doherty can NOT win a seat in Congress at the current time. He will barely win reelection as mayor next year."
Oh please...why b/c the looney tunes over at dohertydeceit are going to boot him out of office? How's that going for you so far?
Doherty has done a lot of good for our area, and if he runs for Congress, I'd be happy to support him.
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