The next meeting of the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society is scheduled for this Saturday 4PM at Marks Pub 1287 N Washington St, Wilkes-Barre (map it). Pope George Ringo has extended an invitation to all.
A random journal about local politics, baseball and whatever comes to mind.
Once again, I'm out of town this weekend and will unfortunately miss this meeting. Perhaps the next one could be during the week? I'd be willing to organize it.
I can't make it - too much schoolwork. Have fun.
peace - t.g.
Gee, I can't make it either. Maybe in the spring.
Good idea Danny. Give me some warning because I work nights and getting time off is a pain.
Study hard TG.
PA, It was great that you wandered up here for the meet up. This is not an official event as it has not been sanctioned by the Northeast Blogging Council just a group of friends who have been gathering on Saturday for years. Me and Mrs G will be down your way in the spring for outlet shopping (her) and a R Phils game (me). Maybe you could get some of the Berks bloggers together then.
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