Thursday, August 26, 2010

121st State Rep happenings

Republican candidate James O'Meara has a shindig tonight at Saint Maria Goretti Church Banquet Hall, 42 Redwood Drive, Laflin, PA.

Incumbent Democrat Eddie Day Pashinski has been out front on the drilling issue lately supporting a moritorium and attending Gas Stock. O"Meara also talks sense on this issue.

Yesterday I received a newsletter from Pashinski telling me what a great guy he is. This was probably paid for with taxpayer funds because the website on it directs you to and the email listed is It's chock full of reminders such as reminding me to get a colonoscopy, take a walk at lunch and encouraging seniors to apply for the rent rebate. It also covers his greatest hits, the scrap metal law and dental assistant bill.

You can view the whole thing here (PDF).

This is the kind of thing that drives challengers nuts because they can't compete with direct mail that is not paid for with campaign funds. It should stop.


Unknown said...

Gort - bipartisan agreement on these mailers. Just wrong no matter who's doing it. By the way, how did your colonoscopy go?

Gort said...

It was a pain in the A**

Results were negative

Unknown said...

Good to hear.