Middleburg, Pennsylvania – Snyder County Commissioner and former U.S. Congressional candidate Malcolm Derk formally endorsed Tom Marino for U.S. Congress today at a press conference in front of the Snyder County Courthouse. Derk was surrounded by several area residents and elected officials.
"I am proud to endorse Tom Marino for Congress. Throughout the Primary Election, Tom Marino and I became close friends. We share the same core principals of lower taxes, fewer government regulations, less government spending, and a strong national defense. I am confident that he will take those common sense conservative values to Washington D.C. as our next United States Congressman. I have no doubt that he will make us proud" said Derk.
"Commissioner Malcolm Derk is a fine public servant. I am proud to call him a friend and am honored to have his endorsement. As Snyder County Commissioner, he has been a tireless advocate for lower taxes and smaller government. I rely on his advise and greatly appreciate his support" stated Marino.
"As your next United States Congressman, I will help the private sector create family sustaining jobs, reduce government spending, eliminate excessive regulations, cut taxes, support an national energy plan, and work to repeal the Obama/Pelosi/Carney Healthcare Bill" added Marino.
Not sure how much endorsements are worth these days, but if Marino continues to implode and Derk wants a future in politics, this endorsement will come back to haunt him.
Discretion is the better part of valor, Malcolm should have just stayed out of it.
I honestly believe (hopefully I am wrong) that Marino will win despite all of the baggage.
This is one of those weird political years in which it doesn't matter how inept a candidate may be, voters are just going to pull that anti incumbent lever. Hell, I even have a bad inkling that the Witch in Delaware is going to win.
God Help us All.
Why would he step out with an endorsement of a man who has lied to the public and who was about to be fired from his federal job due to incompetency? Is this a case of any Republican will do?
Malcolm Dork just shot himself in the foot. I won't ask what he was thinking because he obviously wasn't thinking.
Ha, the penis with ears is back. And now he is endorsing a real Dick..Tracy.
Hey Malcum, did you get offered a job in municipal waste removal for you endorsment. I know a guy who is looking for a new attorney.
When does he turn 21?
WTF was Opie Cunningham thinking? If he decides to run for further office he will wear this endorsement like cement shoes.
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