HARRISBURG - Luzerne County Judge Ann H. Lokuta will be removed from the bench, the state Court of Judicial Discipline ruled in a 6-1 decision today. Lokuta will not be allowed to hold any other court office.
I agree with the Yonk: This punishment does not fit the crime or perceived crimes... Lokuta is gone because all of her fellow Judges (two who have some worries ahead of them I've heard) complained about her behavior. The staff on the third floor was angry because the Judge, a working class daughter of coal miner parents didn't think anyone born on third base was entitled to say they hit a triple. So they got even. And they won.
Her cooperation with the investigation of the business dealings of then President Judge Michael Conahan may have played a roll in this. And it's no secret that they can't stand each other and Conahan was behind the charges being brought against her.
two who have some worries ahead of them I've heard i love that part going to love it more in the headlines
if she were a man, attractive or heterosexual she would not have gotten the boot...
no she would be on her way to club fed to
I have never had any first hand dealings with former Judge Lokuta, but have heard from friends who work in the probation office in the court house that she was a bitch.
The punishment does not fit the crime. I agree with GORT and Anon.
Was there sexism practiced in this case; absolutely!
She deserved a stern reprimand and maybe a nice fine to make her think twice about bullying people, but to lose her job and pension and her whole staff is gone also is ridiculous.
Hopefully, Conahan and Ciavarella's days are numbered too. My same source in the court house says we haven't heard anything, because investigators and prosecutors want to make sure all of their ducks are in a row before taking any action. Only time will tell if this is true or just more smoke and mirrors.
The sexism charge is ridiculous; guys, it is 2008, not 1958 and Miss Lokuta has been on the bench for nearly two decades. Let's see, she shows up late for trials, uses courthouse workers for personal projects completely unrelated to the court system, demeans those who are participants in her courtroom for the stupidest reasons. Perhaps we are looking at two different judges, but all of the above sounds like impeachable offenses to me. If someone can show me another judge in Luzerne cty. who has committed the same acts then I will agree with the sexism charge. Bless you all.
it has never been proven that she has used staff for her own personal use. it was just said, and someone believed it! they wanted her out for seventeen years and have succeeded. for now... i would like to see lokuta run for prothonotary or commissioner!! she knows whats goin on and would be perfect for the job!! maybe she'll wait for ciavarella and conahan to go behind bars before she does!!
Forget all the semantics, lesbian woman, coal miner's daughter and all the other crap and consider the evidence given. 6-1. She has been an arrogant and incompetent bum.
Good riddance ex-judge annie
Perhaps they can spend the pension money they took from her to pay for some really good mental treatment for her and her sidekick administrator. Gee haven't gotten a late night ha-ha-ha call from either one of you gals. Whose got the last laugh now. Apparently your long arms didn't reach far enough, hey!
She may be corrupt and deserve this...BUT, the other judges are MORE corrupt, and nothing ever happens to them!
Well, at least shes not facing JAIL TIME!! We will leave the long arms to the LAW!!! And just so you know, she is running for Prothonotary... She will ALWAYS be a part of this County!!! Maybe even Commissioner!!! As far as mental health goes, well, it takes one to know one!! Maybe some of you "think your so great" lawyers should be prepared to take her on in the courtroom!!! Gee, must have looked forward to those late night calls from whomever it was!!!
i know ann lokuta. you can bet your a__ shes not goin away!!
Could you imagine a roll in the hay with the queen of Dupont?
Umm.. No, I can;t imagine it. I wonder if she sports a scrotum.
I think it's time to clean house all over in these County and State jobs where the people look down upon others as if they are better. It's happening all over.
I pray she runs for a county office, that's when the "real" stories will come out. I can tell by your earlier response you're both clueless, perhaps she should work on her "mommy" issues.
WoW!! sounds to me like its getting down and dirty with some people! leave her alone.. shes gone..the only thing i can say is,
you really must like her to not let her alone!!! your obsessed!!
perhaps, some people should work on their " grandfather" issues.
go back to philly!! theres nothing else you can do that will stop her!
Whatever is claimed. the 6-1 decision to says a lot. But there are many more counties that should be reviewed. I'll never go back to Washington County after the way a presiding jurist treated people who had the misfortune of drawing that elected person for their case.
Anyone that speaks out about corruptjudges are looked at and the retailated against look at miss locuta case , don Bailey's xase and Kathleen kane case its there way of g sure the public has confidence in the justice system and they dont want the public to know that.The federal judge in my case c.Darnell jones didnt seem to recognize 2 of his attorney's from the aopc that represented him when was being sued ,jones never sclosed the conflict of interest and quickly threw my case out and on the appeal chief judge theodore McKee wouldn't respond if jones should of recused himself. Completely corrupt and there are alot more cases out there that department of justice needs to look at. Judge Christopher conner wont like this to be seen ,especially where conner had to recuse himself from Hershey case cause of conflict of interest which costs the plantiff lots of money and added a couple re years to getting resolved
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