Acting Controller A.J. Martinelli has put 21st Century Appraisals on notice that the reassessment gravy train has limits.
TL: “Therefore, I am placing you on notice that as a supervisor of the fiscal affairs of the county, I will not pay any bills for any unauthorized and unwanted services that you force upon the county, for the reasons stated in this letter.”
Commissioner Maryanne Petrilla was the the previous Controller replacing Steve Flood who asked a lot of of uncomfortable questions about the PA Child Care lease and other things. There is no way to tell but I think the debit card scandal and the no bid contracts at the prison would have come to light earlier if Flood had a 2nd term.
Governor Rendell was supposed to appoint a new Controller with the consent of the State Senate but he punted. A couple of people applied for the job but they were ignored. Former Wyoming Valley West School District superintendent Augie Piazza wanted the post but I haven't heard if he is running next year. PittstonPolitics reports that former Pittston Area School Director Tony Rostock has been shaking the bushes and a potential rival let everybody know that he got a $30,000 no bid contract at LCCC. That potential rival is Wil Toole.
Wil Toole wanting to be a fiscal watchdog has to one of the funniest things I've ever heard. He charged thousands of hours of overtime to Pittston City and is now suing because he contends that the city should pay for his wife's health insurance indefinitely. He is good at lawsuits.
Piazza, Rostock and Toole are all Democrats.
I think we need a Controller from the other party. The Dems have been in charge for too long and have become arrogant and reckless although Petrilla and her new BFF Steve Urban is trying to right the ship.
The only Republican name that I have heard that is willing to take a stab at running for Controller is Bob Sypniewski. We have a draft Bob movement going on in the comments but he is reluctant to make the run so let's encourage him.
Update from the inbox:
Dear Gort,
I am also contemplating a run for the Luzerne County Controller Position...I am a republican that really cares about the lack of accountability of our elected officials and will work hard for the Taxpayers of Luzerne County...
Walter L Griffith JR
Luzerne County Taxpayer and Activist
17 hours ago
How about a little background on Bob for those of us who aren't familiar with him. I agree a Republican would be good in this spot.
In 2008, I ran for the PA State House from the 117th district and Bob Sypniewski served as the chairman of my campaign. Although I only knew Bob for 2 years, I chose him because he struck me as a man of energy, competence and integrety. I could not have been more correct in my assessment. As an Iraq War Veteran, I have been around numerous men and women who exemplify virtue and integrity. Bob is such a guy. He is the son of a police officer from WB, has been the president of Penn Mortgage in Dallas and is a husband and a father of three young boys. Also, with the exception of my campaign, Bob has never been involved in politics before (a BIG plus as far as I am concerned) and is young (mid 30's - again, a big plus). He is one of those rare individuals who could excite democrats, independents and republicans alike. Sign me up on the "draft Bob Petition". He'd be an excellent choice for controller.
I've read the comments about Bob Sypniewski, and i have to agree that he would be great as controller. I've known him for about five years. He is very motivated to stand for the morals he believes in.While most would seek the position for for the position itself, I really feel he would actually seek to bring about positive change.It is definetly long overdue.
This is awesome, I found out at work today about this blog site that my good friend Syp was considering running for controller. I am a democrat and will switch to republican to vote for him. He is from the Heights part of wilkes-barre and let me tell you something "He will clean house at the big house on river street".
I've known Bob for about 10 years, He has matured into fine man of good character and integrity, somethig we seem to be lacking here in this county. He would be a fine choice as controller.
This position will be appointed.
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