In Luzerne County we will be electing a Controller, Prothonotary, Register of Wills and Jury Commissioners. The Controller's spot has been vacant since Maryanne Petrilla was elected Commissioner and Rapid Edward has not nominated a replacement. Incumbent Prothontary Jill Moran has drawn some fire about her work habits and business dealings and the speculation is that she will not seek a third term. Democrat Dottie Stankovic was unopposed in the general election four years ago although the good old boys tried to knock her off in the primary. Jerry Bonner is the Democratic Jury Commissioner and I can't even remember who holds the Republican slot.
Jobs like Prothonotary and Register of Wills are clerical positions that should not even be elected offices. Same goes for Jury Commissioner who's only official duty is to once a year hit the print button on a computer to get a list of prospective jurors. But we will have elections for these jobs until we get Home Rule.
As usual the action will be in the Democratic primary that will probably make the November election a formality. I hope that I'm wrong about that prediction and new county GOP Chairman Terry Casey can recruit some quality candidates and the back mountain money guys raise some serious cash for them.
I will be posting some scuttlebutt about who may be running for these positions in the coming days. If you have heard any names being tossed around let me know in the comments or toss me an email.
We will also get to pick at least one new Judge plus various school board members and municipal offices.
5 hours ago
We clearly have a disfunctional operation at the county level. We need change and that change is Home Rule. I remember when it was last considered, many didn't support because they thought the Vonderheid Skrep team as a breath of fresh air. What a mistake that was.
How long do we have to wait until we have another run at Home Rule?
I think the GOP will have some good candidates this cycle, but money is always the issue.
Dan Meuser for County Commissioner!
As long as we are making nominations, I'll make one: Bob Sypniewski for Controller. Bob was the chairman of James May's campaign, is a local, honest mortgage broker (unlike others in the news lately) and is currently sitting on the property tax reassesment commission - he has been a true watchdog, looking out for the tax-payer. He's mid-thirties, so he'd be some fresh, conservative blood in the GOP - something we desparately need.
I thought Dan Mueser lived in lackawanna county but "moved" to harvey's lake and moved back.
This Bob guy sounds decent but i dont know about him. I wonder if Urban and Petrilla will make a deal and support a refrom Dem in the primary and a seat warmer in the GOP if the good Dem wins then good, but if the Skrep dem wins the one GOP candidtaes gets "sick" and they nominate a strong democrat(maybe not the one who lost the primary)I am thinking Steve Flood if him and petrilla can bury the hatched and if his health is ok
Dan Mueser for Commisioner??? Are you #*@(&$G nuts!!!! That guy is a mental case. As for this Bob, never happen, it's going to be a D. Unless Sichler has them off the ballot.
anon at 3:07 - Dan lived just outside the 10th (but still inside Luzerne County). He did not live in Lackawanna County. As for Bob Sypniewski, I know him and think he'd be a great candidate for controller. He knows a lot of the money guys, but has a very different value system and morals than they do. Also, don't fall into the trap of discounting a conservative because they are in Luzerne County. It can become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
how about the rest of the money missing at the recorder of deeds we only acct for half of it
It is really obvious we need a change in Luzerene County.I personally know Bob Sypnieski, and feel he would be great as well.One thing is certain, if he were the controller in the past, I know the debit card scandal would never have taken place.
is this true, is bob running for controller? can some one contact him. reason i ask is he sat on the 3 member board that heard my formal appeal. he stood out on that board. my wife and i felt that he was sincere and fair.
If you want someone with a bit of integrity, Bob Sypniewski has what it takes to keep a watch over our money.
i hear the dem party is looking at Tom Pisano for controller. they want to keep the good ole boy network alive in the courthouse.
Tom Pisano LOL. That's almost as funny as Wil Toole wanting the job.
Bob Sypniewski is a great guy and would be a great candidate for controller.
I would like to join in this candidacy for Bob Sypniewski. I personally know Bob and he would would make an honest and dependable Controller. He has experience in the past with James May's campain; he's an HONEST mortgage broker (which is hard to come by these days), and now he is on the board for Luzerne County reassessment. He is family orientated which is always a plus and an overall great guy! He would be PERFECT!
Ann Lokuta anyone, now that she has nothing to do?
Or Liz Sichler! I heard she is "free" now (but that may not last for much longer). She's got the perfect resume to serve as controller in Luzerne County. Can you run from prison?
My understanding is that Bob Morgan from Mountain Top is running for Controller this year. Bob is a good man with an impeccable reputation and will serve the county well as controller.
Tell us more about Bob. What party, education, political experience, etc.
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