Luzerne County will be electing at at least one new Judge of the Court of Common Pleas next year and a bunch of lawyers are lining up for a run. The one sure spot that will be contested is Senior Judge (past President Judge) Michael Conahan's seat and it looks likely that Ann Lokuta will be replaced depending what happens with her appeal. Depending on the outcome of the myriad of investigations going on we may have to pick one or two more jurists. That may be 4 seats all together. has been keeping the scorecard of who might be running. Some of the names he has tossed out are:
Joe Terrana, Tom O’Connor, Jackie Carroll Musto, Lisa Gelb, Fred Pierantoni, CJ Bufalino, Mark Bufalino, Rose Randazzo, Eugene Sperazza, Joe Cosgrove, Ray Hassey and Mike Vough.
And these are only Pittston area attorneys! I'm sure there are Barristers from Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton and the Back Mountain that are considering a run.
6 hours ago
I think the judges in LC are part of the "good government" problem as well. It would be my hope that some "outsiders" will run who are not part of the system. I like Mark B. and think he's an honest player, but I would rather see some new blood so it's not business as usual.
It'll be interesting to see the role the newly reorganized LC GOP will play. Will they have a dog in the fight or focus on the other elected offices - for which there are too many.
Seeing that tom oconnor is the money trough for rendell, my guess is its him...since 2005, everyone has been saying that this was why lokuta was railroaded...time will tell!!
All we can do is hope it's not Bufalino, he is a sore excuse for a democratic chair and would be the same as a judge. He can print a nice card to hand out at the polls but if you need money for your campaign don't waste your time asking him to help. Ain't that right Buf?
JOE COSGROVE would be the best choice, so he prob has no chance.
He is probably the best lawyer in NEPA, He is fair minded and well qualified, i am sure othr luzerene County lawyers have been "acepted to the Bar" for the Supreme Court, but he has actually argued before the Court, and writtren numerous freind of the court briefs.
need change .
Lokuta got what she deserved for her arrogance and incompetence.
Her appeal will not only be costly, but a mere fart in a heavy wind.
Good bye sad Annie, maybe you can now go learn how chase an ambulance (as you never tried a case) or prepare a will for a homeless person.
Eugene D. Sperazza is the BEST choice indeed. First off, he would bring CHANGE, and come on now, change is what we need for the Luzerne County Judicial Court System, looking at the hot mess it is in right now. But back to Eugene: He is a man of integrity, honor, and most importantly, HEART. He exudes nothing but kindness, sensitivity, and greatness. Yet, he is a fighter, a bull fighter and is fiereless in setting down the law, but is always FAIR. I guarantee you, no one will get the job done like he will, because he is all about the PEOPLE and not POLITICS. He is the best CHOICE!
I think what's key here, in light of the current climate, any of these political hopefuls need to be stringently investigated and screened BEFORE they get to the polls..........some are in a position financially wherein they could be easily bought as judges. And their current financials are such that they NEED this stable paycheck. That, in itself, is their motivation for seeking these positions. I think there should be full disclosure as to whether they are up to date on their taxes, that they aren't associated with other entitites that could influence or sway them in certain directions once they're on the bench, and unfortunately, last names mean alot to the ordinary Luzerne County citizen. Any corrolation to a family name that already has the stigma of corruption or criminal activity is basically a no-brainer when it comes to electing our next judges. Full disclosure. Absolute full disclosure PRIOR to elections.
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