The networks are reporting that he had some sort of seizure but not a stroke that was originally feared.
I met the Liberal Lion about 20 years ago when I was on vacation on Nantucket Island. A bunch of us were in a bar when Ted a few other people walked through the door and sat down at the table next to us. I know it's hard to believe that both me me and Ted could be found in a drinking establishment.
One of my friends spotted him and got all excited and wanted to go over to him which we all counseled against but Jack couldn't be persuaded to let the man just enjoy his evening. So he goes over to his table and starts babbling some thing like Senator Kennedy, Senator Kennedy I think you should be President, I'm from New Hampshire but I would vote for you anytime and some other stuff. Ted was a little taken aback with that sycophantic verbal assault. With a surprised and annoyed look on his face he said "Get the fuck away from me kid." The rest of us watching this exchange erupted in laughter and a round of applause. Jack came back to the table with his tail between his legs and sulked for a while.
Later in the evening Ted came over to us and slapped Jack on the back and apologized for being so short with him. He sat down with us and bought a round and we discussed sailing, a little politics and few other things.
An Update from Coal Region Voice who has first hand knowledge of cancer:
Doctors for the Massachusetts Democrat say tests conducted after Kennedy suffered a seizure this weekend show a tumor in his left parietal lobe. Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma, they said.
A personal note. My father died from brain cancer so I hope some people will resist the temptation to make tasteless Chappaquiddick jokes at this time and wish Ted and his family well.
What was he drinking (out of curiousity)?
It was so long ago I don't remember
cough, cough, bullshit, cough.
That douche swiller hasn't had a lucid thought in decades.
Interesting story, Gort!
Sorry Zen, he has been one the effecitve Senators in history. Whether or not you agree with him.
Bernie, You're stories about Kurt V and your Dad can't be topped. More than once I had a tear in my eye.
Ted is and always has been a waste of human flesh. If not for what he did to Mary Jo, for the rest of his miserable life. If that's what you call effective I agree. But the right term is affective.
oops my bad, did you mean effective like Sen. Obama? Sen Clinton? Frank? etc etc ad nauseum. Effective at what? Raising my taxes? Giving money to people that refuse to work for it? Ensuring that the most qualified candidates for medical school are by-passed for the quota system? You're right, they did all that. Or did you mean something else? Not sure what you think he or any of the others I mentioned have accomplished.
"a waste of human flesh."
Thanks for elevating the dicussion
There are many in the democratic party, or at least there were when I was younger, worthy of praise.
I, as a high school student, was actively involved in Eugene McCarthy's 1968 Presidential bid.
In 1972 I worked with George McGovern's campaign, after that I became disillusioned with the democratic party.
One thing I am sure of is that Ted Kennedy is not, was not, nor will ever be worthy of any kind of adulation, a genuine disappointment on so many levels.
That being said, may he have a full & speedy recovery.
Wow Kar, McCarthy and McGovern?
I agree with your best wishes to the Senator and his familiy.
May he make a speedy recovery
no wonder KAR supported Meuser. He likes em liberals...
Dear anonymous 7:27 A.M.
I'm 57 years old when I was 18, like a lot of us I was liberal, idealistic, and I thought that democrats offered the best hope for the future of the country.
I acted based on my beliefs,my liberal bent continued through the 72 elections in which I supported George McGovern.
As I grew older my view changed, I found I had more in common with republican ideas & ideals. I am not, nor will I ever be a closed minded ideologue, like you and so many of your far right colleagues.
Dan Meuser, on his worst day, is a far better human being & candidiate than Chris Hackett on his best day.
I cannot wait until Hackett gets dispatched in November and we can start planning on a run in 2010.
Have a good one.
See,see, kar really is a conservative, he hates right wingers and loves mccarthy and mcgovern. meuser should have been glad to have him on his disasterous campaign.
what the kar-buncle really wants is carney so that in 2010 he can redistrict the 11th back to what is was.
If the twerp had taken swimming lessons he may have been President. Take that stupid Liberals!!! To hell with Teddy Kennedy and to hell with the commie who posted this!!!
Mary Jo Mary Jo Mary Jo Thump Thump Thump Mary Jo Mary Jo Mary Jo
Sen. Kennedy has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.
The devil has come to collect.
While I need not point out that I dislike the man, I wouldn't wish a brain tumor on anybody. This will be devastating on his family. Mr. Kennedy, have a drink on me from the top shelf.
Well said Zen.
This a time when politics should stop and human decency should prevail. Not that will stop small minded people.
I try and live by a few basic rules, one of which, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Having said that, I do make exceptions. Mary Jo will have her day.
I wouldn't wish brain cancer on anyone, but I have a hard time finding any sympathy for a man who left a young woman to die simply because he was worried about his career and image. Maybe the "Kennedy Curse" is real and is the hand of God passing judgement. Mary Jo must be smiling somewhere about now.
Gort, I am a right leaning republican but I have never lost my humanity. Ted Kennedy may be the ultimate douche as a politician but he is still a human being, his family are human beings, and as such they deserve our prayers and best wishes. If this makes me a bad Republican, I guess I am.
Well said Zen. This is a time for us all to put our politics aside and show some respect for Sen. Kennedy and his family. We're all human and it is not right for any of us to wish ill on each other.
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