Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell will be at The Ramada Clarks Summit Hotel, 820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit , PA TUESDAY, May 6th, 2008 - 7:00 PM.
The event is sponsored by the Coalition for a Conservative Majority. You can read the details at the CCM website.
23 minutes ago
Shouldn't Delay be in jail? Maybe is checking out the digs around USP Canaan for his visitors.
Delay was going to jail, but he had to get in line behind Sandy Berger. Apparently stealing top Secret documents from the national archive is a bigger offense.
Delay is a great American...period.
What should DeLay be in jail for, a trumped up indictment that was dropped later by democrat prosecutors?
The US Attorney's (prosecutors)office is under the control of the Republican Adminstration.
What constitutes a great American?
According to the Times Leader, people stayed away in droves from this "Great American", Hackett is trying to defend himself against charges he brought DeLay to the area.
How precious is that? The only thing missing is Hackett outside protesting the visit.
Way to energize your base Chris.
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