The new executive director of the Luzerne County Republican Party, Renita Fennick, thinks "people around here are mostly conservative, even if they have a D after their name. They just might not know it.” We just have to be educated. To set us straight our local R's will be bringing Karl Rove to town.
The fact that the county Republican party can afford a full time executive director, a permanent HQ on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre and pay Karl Rove to appear at a rubber chicken dinner shows that they have some money to spend. It looks like the big money back mountain boys that drop big bucks into national Republican campaigns but in the past have contributed to local Democrats have seen the error of their ways and are financing the local GOP. But I haven't checked the finance reports lately so they could be playing both sides of the fence like Multi-Party Bob Mericle.
Now that the Republican nomination is actually worth something because of the scandals in the courthouse the top dogs are planning to endorse candidates in the primary just like the Democrats. The endorsement process is necessary because of the high number of Republicans who have expressed interest in seeking the party’s nomination for county row offices, Chairman Terry Casey said.“Every day I hear of someone else who picked up petitions or who inquired about running,” Casey said. “If we have multiple candidates for the county row offices, which we expect, we will endorse. It’s a very exciting time for us.” I think that is a bad move. The local GOP has been divided into factions for a long time and an open primary with the agreement of all the candidates to unite behind the winners would be a better approach.
Congrats to Chairman Terry Casey on his election as the chairman of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry. He will be working closely with former Democratic Luzerne County Commissioner (Bond Brother) Todd Vonderheid.
On Thursday the party will be hosting a dog and pony show at the Republican HQ, 25 Public Square in Wilkes-Barre with Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta as the headliner. Registered Republicans running for county-level office who are seeking the party endorsement will be allotted time to address the group.
Maybe we can make this into a blogger meetup and go to Big Ugly's afterward.
I think the most interesting part of this post is the detail behind Mericle's campaign contributions. Why is the local press not covering this quid-pro-quo? Consider the $17MM his company has received from the state in funding to develop the industrial park in Pittston, his return on investment is quite impress - but WRONG for the tax payer.
Word has it Vonderheid is not at all happy Casey is the new Chair. He tried to politic the board in getting someone he could control as the top dog - but was shot down at every turn. Looks like his leash was just shortened.
Check this out:
W-B City Hall security firm stirs questions
Some city council members are concerned about Hawkeye Security.
WILKES-BARRE – City council members are questioning why a nonprofit company is being run out of City Hall.
Hawkeye Security Solutions, founded in 2008, is creating a video surveillance system throughout Wilkes-Barre to “enhance public safety” according to the company’s Web site. In the city, Hawkeye will select the camera vendor that will purchase and install the camera system and install it.
But Hawkeye’s telephone number, listed on its Web site, rings at City Hall at the desk of Lou Lau, the city’s informational technology director. Lau referred questions to city administrator J.J. Murphy, administrative coordinator Bridget Giunta or Mayor Tom Leighton.
Leighton said the city employees involved with Hawkeye are working with the mayor’s knowledge and approval.
Members of the Hawkeye board of directors are: Murphy who makes $78,757 as city administrator; Laura Brace, retired deputy city controller; city patrolman James Fisher, whose base salary from the city is $49,198; Lau, information technology director, paid $62,832 from the city; and Phil Latinski, retired city councilman.
Christine Jensen, the city’s human resources director, said she did not know who Hawkeye Security Solutions is and said she needed to look into the matter before she could offer any comment. She could not say if any of the employees involved with Hawkeye were in violation of any city policies.
WILKES-BARRE – City council members are questioning why a nonprofit company is being run out of City Hall.
Hey Gort, if the "new" republican party is so different, why aren't they trying to find three judge candidates. All they've got is Hughes and probably a back room deal with the dems on the other two. Same old Luzerne County stuff!
Gort do a little investigation into camelot title crossing state lines take them all down
Renita, if most people are conservative in Luzerne County, name one conservative that won a row office election. Why also are the big so called republicans always giving to the Dems. Now we have the big cheese running this party and doing what ever the big money people want. The republicans will lose becasue of that. Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. Gort don't forget that next to the dog and pony will be some jackasses.
punch in camelot title fraud
Renita, you're a great gal. Just watch behind the elephant with the 'executive committee' that is pure scum.
Boss Casey is now the big man in the 'chamber'. Now it will be easier for the 'Don' Solano,the Flacks and Sordoni's to give dems more money. This 'new' Republican party can go to hell.
Watch out they sting too!
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