Pat is down in the Bahama's on a long planned trip and the Fed's are trying to seize his bar using forfeiture laws that are also used in drug cases that have been abused in many cases. He hasn't been convicted of anything yet but they are already trying to grab his property. No matter what your political stripe is you should find this action to be outrageous.
A Facebook group has popped up supporting him and the website he is accused of running is still online. Willtobet requires a login and password that I have never been privy to.
15 hours ago
Gort: I agree. Whatever happened to "innocent until PROVEN guilty"? I posted a comment on a local paper with my full name and similar sentiments. BLANK the FBI guys I might P/O. I think Pat deserves his day in court like everyone else, and until that happens, he should be allowed to run a business he's worked hard to build. I haven't been in his place for 25+ years, but I will grab a brew and a burger ( medium rare - extra onion ) the next time I'm in town.
PP is in the Bahamas. Envision this. PP is swimming in the ocean. A 100' yacht is anchored close by. The mechanical great white shark from the movie Jaws is seen swimming near PP. The shark swallows PP with hundreds of people watching in horror. The shark swims to the other side of the yacht and spits out poor old PP. PP is not seen rescued and the yacht takes off to Costa Rica where PP repatriates with his money. Meanwhile PP is presumed lost or dead, but lives happily ever after. Case closed!
This is outrageous that they are trying this when Patte hasn't even been convicted. Let's also not forget that closing down the bar will put people out of work. The feds should not be trying to seize property without a conviction.
I would actually think conservatives in particular would be against the seizing of property. I have no opinion yet on the whole thing, but government seizing property always rubbed me the wrong way, forget about the politics. Also, something that rubs me the wrong way, government seizing property for not paying property taxes. They could seize a $100,000.00 home because you're late on $1,000.00 taxes, that never seemed right to me. I think your property should be off limits and not connected to the taxes. Maybe I don't know enough about it, but that's the way I feel about seizing property.
And then we recently found out, btw, that people connected to Luzerne County government were mysteriously NOT on the tax auctions, even though they were like the rest of the people with late taxes. So there!
While I totally agree that this move seems grossly premature being that Patte has yet to receive his day in court, since they ARE making this move, they must really think they've got him by the gonads.
All of which makes me wonder about the mechanical shark theory. You know, you might be on to something.
With that said, I'm curious about something.
If you wagered a bet at the alleged Patte-owned gambling web site and lost a fortune you did not have, what then?
Who busted heads, er, I meant, who was in charge of collections?
You are joking right. You sound like the people on 28 after Pat was arrested. "If he did wrong who cares". By the way, the feds have taken nothing away from him. He is on his trip, his kids are supported by the taxpayer and the business is still open right? I wished the cry baby's cared as much for the taxpayers of this county then for a 40 year book maker. By the way, go read the seizure paperwork, he's DONE. Butters better look for more of those million dollar bike accidents...woops...can't talk about that.
Yo jackass!
As far as I'm concerned, they can feed both him and his dimwitted kids to the sharks, mechanical or otherwise.
The way I see it, they should confiscate his vastly over-rated casino/eatery and turn it into a work-release facility for his former patrons.
Get a grip, anonymous pussy!
Not convicted of a crime and no judge signed order. Dem appointed federal judges. Liberals anyone?
mark, If you don't pay up you are run down in the parking lot.
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