And not just on TV. One thing that saddens and infuriates me is the amount of trash I see everywhere around the area. Broken glass, fast food wrappers, cans, etc. Not a day goes by that I don't walk around my house and pick up litter.
PLAINS TOWNSHIP — Fire Captain and Inspector Mark Ritsick has a 98-percent success rate in catching illegal dumpers and he is frustrated that he can’t find who is discarding piles of trash along Union Street.
Bottles, cans, tires, old furniture and exercise equipment have been discarded next to huge piles of dirt, debris, landscaping material and wood next to Mill Creek, just up the street from Dan’s Keystone Grill in Plains Township......On Friday, State Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen McGinty toured an Avoca site scarred with debris, tires, litter, carpets, white goods and scrap metal. The site is scheduled for cleanup.McGinty announced DEP is expanding its “Cleanup Our Anthracite Lands and Streams” program into Luzerne and Lackawanna counties to clean up illegal dumps and prevent new ones from forming. DEP is processing a $25,000 grant to the Pennsylvania Environment Council to help cleanup efforts in northeastern Pennsylvania, she announced. The funds will support the collection and disposal of junk from dumps.Cleanups are scheduled in Avoca, Duryea, Plymouth Township, Exeter Borough, Ashley, Avondale Hill and Nanticoke.
The fine for illegal dumping is $300, it should be a lot higher.
It isn't just the illegal dumping, it's the litter. Most of the trash picked up is cigarette related-old packs and butts. People, please stop throwing your butts out the window. That's littering and can cost you $$$$$.
Butts are a problem but it's litter of all kind. As I was driving home tonight some joker left an empty beer bottle in the street hoping someone would run over it. Yesterday, another idiot tossed a McDonalds bag out his window as he drove by my house. Pigs.
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