TT: U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood has postponed a Towanda fundraiser scheduled for Sept. 11 after realizing it conflicted with events commemorating the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks.
The congressman instead will attend several events related to the anniversary .
Jake O’Donnell, a spokesman for Mr. Sherwood’s campaign, blamed an “aggressive fundraiser” for scheduling the event at the Riverstone Inn and Wildfire Grill without the congressman’ s knowledge. The morning fund raiser, for which donations of $100 to $1,000 were asked, would have coincided with the time when terrorist-commandeered planes crashed into the World TradeCenter, the Pentagon and western Pennsylvania.
“To tell you the truth, the schedule was made and he wasn’t aware of it and he was looking at his schedule and saw that he had (9/11-related) events and he postponed it (the fundraiser),” Mr. O’Donnell said .
The congressman might have been unaware of the schedule
earlier because he was recovering from heart surgery last month, Mr. O’Donnell said.
Convenient excuse. He was to sick to realize what he was doing. Maybe he will use that explanation to excuse his voting record over the last 6 years.
Cheney to the rescue
Vice President Dick Cheney will visit Northeastern Pennsylvania later this month to raise campaign money for U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood, whose re-election bid just got some bad news.....
The fundraiser — rescheduled from months ago and costing $1,000 a person and $1,500 a couple — is set for Sept. 18 at the Dallas farm of Harold Flack, the co-owner of Diamond Manufacturing Co. in Wyoming and one of Sherwood’s major Republican contributors.
I think this is good news. Keep throwing good money after bad.
19 hours ago
U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood has postponed a Towanda fundraiser scheduled for Sept. 11 after realizing it conflicted with events commemorating the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks.
The congressman instead will attend several events related to the anniversary .
How stupid do you have to be to *miss* a date like that?
By the way, love how his heart surgery was pulled out as the excuse for this fuckup. It's all about him, innit?
I guess it is okay for the NFL to have a football game on Monday night--because, after all, sports is more important than politics. Guess that's why you didn't post about that.
You mean the game that Al Michaels, the front runner poster for FrontPage and is boycotting the broadcast like the good little fascist he is...oh....what's that? He's being a greedy capitalist and doing the play-by-play?
How liberal of him!
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