He has been running around the country endorsing various candidates like Marco Rubio in Florida's Republican Senate primary and Jay Riemersma for the U.S. House of Representatives in Michigan. Locally he has added his kiss of death to 10th CD GOP hopefull Tom Marino. He has also been hitting all the early primary states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Santorum's endorsement of Arlen Specter in the 2004 Senate primary race against Pat Toomey still sticks in the craw of many of my Republican friends
Speaking of his loss in 2006 he said “The voters of Pennsylvania had always given me what I had wanted, but in 2006 they gave me what I needed” ... so he could spend more time with his family. Then he channels Michael Corleone saying “I just feel like I’m being pulled back into it.”
Below we see Santorum talking to possible running mate Carl Romanelli with 2nd choice Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta hovering in the background.
Yes I know that the Constitution says that the the President and VP must be from different states but Santorum has lived in Virginia for years so that shouldn't be a problem.

God bless this Sainted man. I wish that i had known, I would have gone downtown to wish him well in the 2012 race. As for Gort and his smart aleck comments, Go to HELL!!!
Where's your patented picture of Santorum with the PINK SUIT on???
Hello Gort42.
Can you post the link below to your blog about the Cowardly Tom Corbett backing out of a debate with Sam Rohrer?
How about cowardly Steve Urban cancelling his scheduled debate???
Carl, Carl, Carl WTF? I always thought that Carl was a stand up guy and here he is bent over and holding onto Sin-torum like he wants to make love to him. I guess it is true that Sin-torum paid Carl to get into that race to draw votes away from Casey. The truth always comes out. Well, the upside is always there and this upside is that while Carl is bowing so low to kiss his toe ring, he can make a buck spit shinning Sin-torum's shoes. I think I'm going to be sick
I'll bet Steve Urban was there - out after another free meal!! Mental midgets Urban and Santorum all in one place!!
No pizza for anon 11:33. There is no reason to insult mental Midgets. Shame on you. You are now on pizza suspension for 30 days.
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